Reusable module template for extending OXID eShop core functionality.
The module template contains examples for the most common use cases (see below) like OXID suggests it could be implemented.
This module also comes with all the quality tools OXID recommends to use.
- b-6.4.x branch is compatible with OXID eShop compilation b-6.4.x
- b-6.5.x branch / v1.0.0 version -compatible with OXID eShop compilation b-6.5.x
- b-7.0.x branch is compatible with OXID eShop compilation b-7.0.x
There are three main goals this repository is intended to help with:
- Install and try out the module with simple examples to most common development questions:
- Extending of controllers and models
- Services
- Migrations
- Creating templates for your module, extending of oxid theme templates or blocks
- Using the translations for your module specific phrases
- Testing your module backend and frontend part
- Using the github actions as CI tool with all recommended tools preconfigured for you.
- The provided solution can be used as a base for your own module. It will help creating the personalized module base with all the examples listed in the previous point.
- The repository can be used for creating a clean skeleton with only preconfigured OXID recommended quality tools for your new module.
Note: This installation method fits for trying out the module development basics, its not meant to be used as development base for your own module. Check further installation/usage methods.
This module is in working state and can be directly installed via composer:
composer require oxid-esales/module-template
and activate the module.
In case you'd like to use this module as a template for your own module, this section is for you.
Important Instructions here are for the case you intend to develop a module for OXID eShop 7.x. For Shop 6.x please refer to branch b-6.5.x
Before starting to do something, please, read the whole section once, then decide on required questions, decide what you want to achieve, and follow the procedure.
First, lets decide on terms:
- Decide what will be your
and (lowercased)<yourModuleRootDirectory>
.- Please note that combination of
should be unique. Based on this information your module id will be composed and will look like:<yourVendorPrefix>_<yourModuleRootDirectory>
. In our case it isoe_moduletemplate
. - It is recommended to use only alphanumeric characters, in case you need a separator you can use underscore. More information about module id can be found here.
- Please note that combination of
- Module is installable to
directory. The package name looks like:<yourVendorName>/<yourModuleName>
, example:oxid-esales/module-template
. Decide what will be your new module package name. - Decide on your module's namespace -
, example:OxidEsales\ModuleTemplate
. - In the following examples, your information required places will be shown as placeholders:
, it means you should put your package name at that place, without brackets, for example:will possibly look like:composer config repositories.<yourPackageName> path source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory>
in our case it is:composer config path source/modules/mvn/mymodulerootdir
composer config repositories.oxid-esales/module-template path source/modules/oe/moduletemplate
NOTE: From OXID eShop 7.0 on, module code will no longer be duplicated into source/modules directory. This means that after normal composer install your module code will only be located in the vendor directory. Still we suggest that for development, you git clone your module into the shop's source/modules folder, register this path as local repository and then composer install your module using symlink.
- In the procedure, we will use our best practices on module installation for development to make your development process as smooth and easy as possible.
The following procedure describes how to create a base for your further module, and shows the basic installation for development process:
Click on the "Use this template" button on the template main page to create your module repository from the given template. Please make to choose the 'take all branches' option. As the outcome, you should have a repository with a copy of everything we have in the template repository.
Clone your created repository to your local shop modules directory:
cd <shopRoot> git clone <yourModuleGithubRepositoryUrl> source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory> --branch=b-7.0.x
Next step is to personalize the original OXID traces with your own vendor, module id, namespace etc. We prepared a script for this, which will prompt you for required information and exchange all main places in the cloned template:
cd <shopRoot> ./source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory>/bin/
(Optional) In case you'd like to have a clean skeleton for your module but keeping all the quality tools, test configuration, github workflows prepared, additionally use the
script, which removes all example solutions <shopRoot> ./source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory>/bin/
Note: Please delete
directory after the script is done. -
Register and install your newly created module in the shop
cd <shopRoot> composer config repositories.<yourPackageName> --json \ '{"type":"path", "url":"./source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory>", "options": {"symlink": true}}' composer require <yourPackageName>:*
At this point you have a working module (tests and all) as a starting point to implement whatever you want to extend in your OXID eShop. Initialize and activate the module:
cd <shopRoot> bin/oe-console oe:module:install vendor/<yourPackageName> bin/oe-console oe:module:activate <yourModuleId>
Try it out if module works, and commit your personalized module changes to your repository:
cd <shopRoot> cd source/modules/<yourVendorPrefix>/<yourModuleRootDirectory> git commit -am "Personalize the module"
Likely you'll not need all the example code but you might take some of it and modify. So we left it there for you to take what you need and clean out all else :)
Please note that the module comes with a database table, translations and some templates which still have the original names. Just keep an eye on all that's prefixed 'OEMT', 'oemt', 'OEMODULETEMPLATE' etc.
Also, you will need to adjust the README, CHANGELOG, LICENSE, metadata and the GitHub workflow file, with your credentials and names - check the env section there. For running SonarCloud as part of the steps in GitHub workflow you will need to configure SonarCloud and to create a secret environment variable for your repository called SONAR_TOKEN. The token itself is provided from SonarCloud.
Installation example for improving and develop the current module is provided here:
Clone the module
cd <shopRoot> git clone source/modules/oe/moduletemplate --branch=b-7.0.x
Install the module from local path
cd <shopRoot> composer config repositories.oxid-esales/module-template path source/modules/oe/moduletemplate composer require oxid-esales/module-template:* bin/oe-console oe:module:install vendor/oxid-esales/module-template
Activate the module
cd <shopRoot> bin/oe-console oe:module:activate oe_moduletemplate
OXID eSales would like to provide a lightweight reusable example module incorporating our best practices recommendations to be used as a template for developing own module solutions.
- Module will extend a block on shop start page to show a greeting message (visible when module is active).
- Module will have a setting to switch between generic greeting message for a logged in user and a personal custom greeting. The Admin's choice which way it will be.
- A logged in user will be able to set a custom greeting depending on module setting. Press the button on start page and be redirected to a module controller which handles the input.
- User custom greetings are saved via shop model save method. We subscribe to BeforeModelUpdate to track how often a user changed his personal greeting.
- Tracking of this information will be done in a new database table to serve as an example for module's own shop model.
- extending a shop model (
) - extending a shop controller (
) - extending a shop database table (
) - extending a shop template block (
HINT: only extend the shop core if there is no other way like listen and handle shop events, extend/replace some DI service. Your module might be one of many in the class chain and you should act accordingly (always ensure to call the parent method and return the result). When extending shop classes with additional methods, best prefix those methods in order not to end up with another module picking the same method name and wreacking havoc. In case there is no other way than to extend existing shop methods try the minimal invasion principle. Put module business logic to a service (which make it easier to test as well) and call the service in the extended shop class. If you need to extend the shop class chain by overwriting, try to stick to the public methods.
- own module controller (
with own template and own translations) - module setting (
) - event subscriber (
) - model with a database (
) - DI service examples
- unit/integration test
- codeception test
- github actions pipeline
- all the nice quality tools
- example for payment gateway extension
- own logger
- seo url for module controller ;)
- to redirect or not to redirect from inside the shop core
- graphql query/mutation example
- extending the internal part
- split by domains
The module template is intended to act as a tutorial module so keep your eyes open for comments in the code.
- Acceptance tests are way easier to write if you put an id on relevant fields and buttons in the templates.
- If you can, try to develop on OXID eShop Enterprise Edition to get shop aware stuff right from the start.
- migrations are intended to bump the database (and eventual existing data) to a new module version (this also goes for first time installation).
- ensure migrations are stable against rerun
Migrations have to be run via console command (./vendor/bin/oe-console
if shop was installed from metapackage, ./bin/oe-console
./vendor/bin/oe-eshop-doctrine_migration migration:migrate oe_moduletemplate
unless we ensure they are run when the module is activated (tied to onActivate event) like done here.
NOTE: Existing migrations must not be changed. If the database needs a change, add a new migration file and change to your needs:
./vendor/bin/oe-eshop-doctrine_migration migration:generate oe_moduletemplate
For more information, check the developer documentation.
As already mentioned above, in the 7.x versions of OXID eShop, the module code only resides in the vendor directory so the namespace needs to point there. In our case this looks like
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"OxidEsales\\ModuleTemplate\\": "src/",
"OxidEsales\\ModuleTemplate\\Tests\\": "tests/"
Check the scripts
section in the composer.json of the module to get more insight of
preconfigured quality tools available. Example:
$ composer phpcs
$ composer phpstan
$ composer phpmd
- install this module into a running OXID eShop
# Unit tests
$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c vendor/oxid-esales/module-template/tests/phpunit.xml --testsuite=Unit
# Integration tests
$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c vendor/oxid-esales/module-template/tests/phpunit.xml --testsuite=Integration --bootstrap=/var/www/source/bootstrap.php
# Acceptance tests
$ vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance -c vendor/oxid-esales/module-template/tests/codeception.yml
NOTE: From OXID eShop 7.0.x on database reset needs to be done with this command (please fill in your credentials)
$ bin/oe-console oe:database:reset --db-host=mysql --db-port=3306 --db-name=example --db-user=root --db-password=root --force
And just in case you need it, admin user can now also be created via commandline
$ bin/oe-console oe:admin:create-user --admin-email <admin-email> --admin-passowrd <admin-password>
for example
$ bin/oe-console oe:admin:create-user --admin-email [email protected] --admin-password admin
As a rule of thumb, use codeception tests to ensure the frontend is behaving as expected. Codeception tests take a while to run, so try to navigate the way between covering the relevant cases and overtesting.
We definitely need some acceptance tests if the module affects the frontend like in our example. If the module breaks the frontend, we need to see it asap.
In our case, we cover the reaction of the startpage to the different possibilities
- generic greeting mode (with/without logged in user)
- personal greeting mode (with/without logged in user)
- updating the greeting mode
- ensure module can be activated/deactivated without destroying the shop
- ensure edge case safety like not logged in user directly calling module controller
The great thing about codeception tests is - they can create screenshot and html
output in failure case, so you literally get a picture of the fail (tests/Coreception/_output/
NOTE: You should add groups to the codeception tests, generic test group for module and then
group by topic. Makes it convenient to just run vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance -c vendor/oxid-esales/module-template/tests/codeception.yml -g somegroup
You can install the shop on whatever system fits your needs, but please check the OXID Docker SDK recipes. That's what we use in OXID Development to quickly set up whatever development environment we need and we are constantly trying to improve them.
The module template comes complete with a github actions workflow. No need to rig up some separate continuous integration
infrastructure to run tests, it's all there in github.
You will see three files in .github/workflow
directory. The workflow from
starts on every push
and pull_request
to run the code quality checks and all the module tests.
For generating code coverage reports there's .github/workflow/coverage.yml
which can be triggered manually. You will probably ask
for code coverage when some task is to be completed but not on every tiny work in progress commit.
And then we have the possibility to run all the shop tests with an active module on demand. Here's why:
In our experience it is useful to run the shop tests with the module installed and activated from time to time. For sure those shop tests have been written with only the shop itself in mind. Your module, depending on what it is doing, might completely change the shop behaviour. Which means those shop tests with a module might just explode in your face. Which is totally fine, as long as you can always explain WHY those tests are failing.
Real life example: There is one shop acceptance test case OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Tests\Acceptance\Frontend\ShopSetUpTest:
which is testing the frontend shop setup. Very good chance this test will fail if a module is around which extends
the class chain. That test is for setting up a shop from scratch so it will simply not expect a module to be around.
And we only need our module to safely work with a working shop. We definitely will decide to skip that ShopSetUpTest
as we have a good explanation as to why it will not work. And having this special test case work with our module will give no benefit.
This is only one example, there might be other tests that fail with your module but fail because your module is changing the shop. In that case the suggestion would be to exclude the original test from the github actions run, copy that test case to your module tests and update to work with your module. This was for example the strategy used for our reverse proxy modules which are mandatory to not make the shop's acceptance tests fail. Unless those test cases that somehow bypass reverse proxy cache invalidation. To be on the safe side, we took over those few test cases to the module and plan to improve the shop tests as soon as possible. We'll gladly also take your PR with improved shop tests ;)
And then there are some few shop tests marked as @group quarantine
in the doc block. Test in that group have stability issues so they'd better
be excluded as well.
Ps: a failing shop test might also turn up issues in your module, in that case fix the module and let the test live ;)
- Vendor home page -
- Bug tracker -
- Developer Documentation -
- Quality Tools and Requirements -
- Docker SDK recipes -
- Docker SDK -
In case you have any complaints, suggestions, business cases you'd like an example for please contact us. Pull request are also welcome. Every feedback we get will help us improve.