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User Journeys

Shreya Pandit edited this page Dec 19, 2017 · 2 revisions

User Journey 1: Create Reference Exercise (Client and server)

  1. User comes into clinic and clinician signs him up using Anchor web app.
  2. Clinician logs into Client (Electron app) using his/her anchor credentials [M]
  3. Anchor should send back list pf patients
  4. Clinician chooses a patient [M]
  5. Clinician sees a page to select exercises [M]
  6. Exercise created in stages ; each stage includes marking of all 12 joints to create a skeleton for each stage. Helpful to practice and compare later [M]
  7. Clinician submits exercise

User Journey 2: Practicing an exercise at home (Client and server)

  1. User logs in with patient account
  2. Anchor sends back list of exercises added for the patients.
  3. User sees list of available exercises created for him/her and selects one. [M]
  4. User sees a skeleton for each stage. Once in green circle, match your joints with skeleton to proceed to the next stage. Match score is calculated and stored at each step [M]
  5. Once at final stage, calculate an average match score and POST to anchor

User Journey 3: Clinician reviewing exercise in clinic (server side)

  1. Clinician logs into anchor
  2. Goes to View Exercise page and selects a user email.
  3. Sees a list of active exercises as [Squat, View Details (Link)] [M]
  4. Maybe a click on the row can open a pane with grid comparison at the bottom? [M]
  5. How should our grid comparison ideally look like? Could be bar chart too for the MVP, each bar showing overall match score for that run? [M]
  6. Clicking View Details shows more details on each exercise (Later, not MVP)
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