M: Lock/Unlock camera to player.
Arrow Keys: When camera unlocked, free flight camera. While moving it:
- Left Control x10 speed
- Left Shift x100 speed
- Left Alt x250 speed
F10: Gan't be killed.
V: Toggles on/off VSync (Requires a restart for changes to take effect).
I: Increases the fps cap (Limit 999 fps).
K: Decreases the fps cap (Limit 10 fps).
F11: Toggles FPS cap to 30 or previous value
P: Pauses the game (Toggle).
0 - 9: Changes Y gravity to that value. Modifiers (Hold while pressing the number):
- Left Control: Inverses it.
- Left Shift: Doubles the value.
- Left Alt: Changes X gravity instead.
N: Stops physics.
B: While physics are stopped, do a single step (1 / 60 secs).
F3: Debug UI on screen
F9: Debug draw (Hitboxes, paths).
F2: Debug draw while a mouse joint is active.
F5: Saves the game.
Escape: Quit game.
Left Click: Basic Attack
Right Click: Special Attack
Shift: Sprint
WASD: Move character.
Space: Jump.