Link to GitHub Repository, at the time of completing our presentation to the class/professor.
This is the GitHub Repository for Group 6's "Large Project":
We plan to create both an Android Mobile Application that implements an Augmented Reality (AR) feature, where collectible cards are shown with hovering 3D representations & a Web Application that users can see all of their collected cards with exclusive additional information.
The team consists of the the following members:
- Member #1:
- Name: Sandhya Singh
- Role: Project Manager
- Member #2:
- Name: Evan C. Navarro
- Role: Database, API
- Member #3:
- Name: Ataberk Cirikci
- Role: Database, Security
- Member #4:
- Name: Patrick Bauer
- Role: Front End (Web/Mobile)
- Member #5:
- Name: Faizar Ali
- Role: Front End (Web/Mobile)
- Member #6:
- Name: Mudit Jain
- Role: Front End (Web/Mobile)