This tiny library can be used to calculate the changeset between two arrays and applying these changes to another array.
The library is ESM-only. See this note by sindresorhus to learn more about that.
npm install array-changeset
<script type="module">
import { Changeset } from "";
// your code using Changeset
import { Changeset } from 'array-changeset'
const arrayA = ['foo', '!']
const arrayB = ['foo', 'bar']
// Use fromDiff to create a changeset from the difference between two arrays
const changeset = Changeset.fromDiff(arrayA, arrayB)
// Check if there are any changes from arrayA to arrayB
console.log(changeset.hasChanges()) // true
// Access the added and removed elements
console.log(changeset.getAdded()) // ['bar']
console.log(changeset.getRemoved()) // ['!']
// Add an event listener for logging additions
const logAddition = (item) => console.log(`Added: ${item}`)
changeset.addEventListener('add', logAddition) // Other events are: remove, clear
// Modify the changeset (arrayA and arrayB are not modified)
changeset.add('!') // this triggers the event listener
changeset.uniquelyAddItem('unique') // This triggers the event listener as well
changeset.uniquelyAddItem('unique', (a, b) => a === b) // The comparator is optional and defaults to fast-deep-equal
console.log(changeset.getAdded()) // ['unique']
console.log(changeset.getRemoved()) // ['more']
// Remove the event listener again
changeset.removeEventListener('add', logAddition)
// Apply the changeset to another array (without modifying arrayC)
const arrayC = ['much', 'more', 'foo', '!']
const modifiedC = changeset.applyOnto(arrayC)
console.log(modifiedC) // ['much', 'foo', '!', 'unique']
// Clear the changeset
console.log(changeset.hasChanges()) // false
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.