I have a lot of stuff to talk about but I decided to just show you instead what it entails. Before that, let me do my dramatic introduction. This is my GitHub profile where you can find what my world entails - specifically, the projects I've been working on 😊
Ephantus, yep! That’s my name on this world… And I am an Engineer, A software Engineer to be precise. I know it’s a title, but I own it here based on my art and wonders I can do. Here, I believe I am a mastermind of my art and best of the best. After senior/high school, I ventured into the development of software and became curious about how systems are designed and developed. How data is kept and retrieved from space, Cloud it’s the name 😊. I was tinkering in between the development process and it took me 3 good years to understand everything I needed.
We speak of what one can do here, and me, I develop things from scratch. A breed hard to find I believe. I’ve mastered my languages and decided what I want. I create systems. Both web applications and systems applications. I deal with back-end (processing of data), APIs (data flow back to front) to front-end (UI and user/customer interface). I’ve also mastered databases, and various aspects of cloud computing. From Mongo DB Database to AWS server. I started in tech with internships, freelance services, and part-time positions during campus. I have a bit of a diverse job history. I have had some partial positions in help desk, graphics/web design, webapp development, and sysadmin/DevOps. I can help everywhere in the stack. Let's say that I love wearing multiple hats to an extent, well they say “You never know what's coming... "Although my strongest skills are in software engineering and system security, I can work on any similar field or close. A day in my life may consist of: prepping web art, fixing some front-end/back-end bugs, app development, and systems developing and setting up a build or deployment plan and tests when I am lucky.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on back-end using Node.js and API's Intergration - 🌱 Am also working on front-end development using Redux as the framework in React.js. - 🤝 👯 Am using Graphql as well for data analysis. - 💬 I am using Mongodb as the database and AWS as a server. - 📫 am also learning on coming up with admirable UX|UI designs. |