Copyright (c) 2016 Noah Freed
This program is available under the "zlib license". Please see the file COPYING.
This program uses SDL 2.0, which is licensed under the zlib license.
This program uses code from Will Usher's TwinklebearDev SDL 2.0 tutorial. Check it out at The code is licensed under the MIT License.
Sprites and other images for this program found on
The player character uses the "Margery Limited" sprite set by software_atelier, available in the public domain.
The main enemy uses the "Grue" sprite set by Jesse McCarthy, licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
The light beam attack uses the "Lasers and beams" art by Rawdanitsu, available in the public domain.
The background uses "Background Night" art by Alekei, licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
The ground uses the "Dirt Platformer Tiles" tile set by Lanea Zimmerman, licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
The health display uses the "Pixel Hearts" sprite set by TokyoGeisha, available in the public domain.
The other enemies (yet to be added) use the "16x16, 16x24, 32x32 rpg enemies--updated" sprite set by Stephen "Redshrike" Challener, licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
A description of CC-BY 3.0 and a link to the full license can be found at
I made the sprite for the wisp.
Based on SDL and written in C++. Generates a window and lets the user move a character using the arrow keys and fire a beam of light with the space bar.
Make sure SDL 2.0 and SDL_image 2.0 are installed.
Download and unzip this repository.
Go to the src directory, perform "make", then run LightSpirits.
You can install SDL 2.0 with the command "sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev", or download it from You can install SDL_image 2.0 with the command "sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev", or download it from If you install SDL 2.0 to somewhere other than the default directory, please adjust "SDL_INCLUDE" line in the Makefile to point to its location.
Description: This is a 2D game about a girl and a will-o'-the-wisp who fight creatures of darkness.
Controls: Move the girl around with the arrow keys. Shoot a beam of light with the space bar. Hit Escape to exit, or just close the window.
More info: Feel free to visit here for updates on the project!
Generate display
Allow movement based on keyboard input (left, right, jump)
Find/create appropriate sprites for playable characters, enemies, and terrain
Proper interaction with terrain
Currently just level ground, plan to add walls and platforms
Allow attacks based on keyboard input
Proper interaction with enemies (deal and receive damage, hitstun)
No hitstun, but included invulnerability frames
Write instructions for how to play
Additional enemies
Physics based on acceleration
Implement running animation
Have larger, scrolling level
Health display/indicator
Email me at nfreed4 at gmail dot com.