The js ecosystem is wild and it can be hard to decide where to look and what to pick. This opiniated boilerplate is meant to move fast and safely when building a small scale project, api-base app, or prototype.
- ⚛️ React 18
- 🟦 Typescript - readability at scale
- ⚡️ Vite - fast building and bundling
- 🖌️ Tailwind with JIT - common css classes we can agree on
- 🎨 Shadcn-ui - A11y Components based on radix-ui
- 😃 Hero icons
- ⚗️ Vitest - Testing framework powered by vite with ...
- 🧪 Jest and Testing Library (react)
- 👨🏽🔬 Cypress to test user behavior and see it
- 📐 ESLint & Prettier - style is enforced
- 🚄 Husky Pre-commit hooks that validate style, tests, and Commit lint.
- ☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
# installs packages
# initializes husky
pnpm install
Just run and visit http://localhost:3000/
pnpm dev
To build the App, run
pnpm build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.