Discover new recipes, plan out meals, and invite other users to the feast with this recipe-finding social media app!
Users can create an account locally or log in via Facebook or Google.
Recipes can be searched as a guest, but cannot be rated or added until the user has registered.
Users can view the profiles of other users and see their favorite recipes, meal dates, and dietary preferences.
Users are able to rate recipes and share their rating with others.
If there are any problem, make sure to check if Heroku is having any issues.
- React
- Redux
- Node
- Express
- MongoDB / Mongoose
- Webpack
- Babel
- Sendgrid mailer
- Passport
- Enzyme
- Jest
The wireframe can be found as 'Dinnerbell.pdf' in the root directory.
- GET /api/meals :: Returns a list of meals
- POST /api/meals :: Creates a new meal
- POST /api/meals/picture :: Uploads a picture of a new meal
- GET /api/meals/:id :: Get a meal by id
- PATCH /api/meals/:id :: Update a meal by id
- DELETE /api/meals/:id :: Remove a meal by id
- GET /api/recipes :: Returns a list of recipes
- POST /api/recipes :: Creates a new recipe
- GET /api/recipes/:id :: Get a recipe by id
- PATCH /api/recipes/:id :: Update a recipe by id
- DELETE /api/recipes/:id :: Remove a recipe by id
- GET /api/ratings :: Returns a list of ratings
- POST /api/ratings :: Creates a new rating
- GET /api/ratings/:id :: Get a rating by id
- PATCH /api/ratings/:id :: Update a rating by id
- DELETE /api/ratings/:id :: Remove a rating by id
- GET /api/users :: Returns a list of users
- GET /api/users/:id :: Get a user by id
- POST /api/users/picture :: Uploads a picture of a user profile picture
- PATCH /api/:userId/recipes/:recipesId :: Updates a user's recipe by id
- DELETE /api/:userId/recipes/:recipesId :: Delete a user's recipe by id
- DELETE /api/users/:id :: Remove a user by id
- DELETE /api/users/picture :: Deletes a user profile picture
From Github:
- Clone the repository.
- Run npm install inside of the root directory.
- Run npm install in both the client and server folders.
- Return to the root directory
- Run the following npm script:
npm run dev
- Visit localhost:3000
For Testing:
- For more information regarding Redux testing, visit their awesome documentation.
- To start the tests, go to the root directory of the project folder and run:
npm run test:watch
- This will start the test watching!
- Bon Apetit!