=== Plugin Name === Bio Table Generator
=== Plugin Details === Contributors: Raypeter, Josh Cook (age-calculator plugin) contributors link: http://www.joshcook.net/, http://www.peterayuzowihe.com/ Donate link: http://www.peterayuzowihe.com/ Tags: age, calculator, table, generator, Auto Bio table generator
== Description ==
Using the quicktag [auto_bio_adder name='John Maliakay' networth='$20,000' image='http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/th-4.jpg' age='1968/01/10'] will a table with data specified in the field and Age = "55 years".
Visit www.peterayuzowihe.com for update information or to submit feature and support requests.
== Installation ==
- Upload the 'auto-bio' directory to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' section within WordPress
- Configure Dashboard Links from the 'Settings -> Auto Bio table generator' menu option
== Configuration ==
Using the Quicktag
The Auto Bio table generator quicktag can be used in any post or page using the following format:
[auto_bio_adder name='' networth='' image='http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/th-4.jpg' age='2000-01-10']
The following attributes can be used within the quicktag. Default values can be configured on the Auto Bio table generator's settings page.
The age attribute is to be entered Year, Month and then Day. You can use either a . (period), a /
(forward slash) or a - (hyphen) as the seperator.
name The name attribute is mandatory field else default value would be used
networth The networth attribute is mandatory field else default value would be used
image The image field only accepts links as text.
Auto Bio table generator options page
Configure the default text used when the plugin returns data. All values can be overridden within the quicktag.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Your plugin rocks! Can I donate? =
Absolutely!!! Visit www.peterayuzowihe.com for more information!
= Development Notes =
- I didn't see the reason for creating an object for such a simple plugin. In theory it would have taken more processor power on the server than needed. So simple functions it is.
= 0.1.0 =
- First Public Release