Step 1: Download the script.
Step 2: Start Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
Step 3: To view all the groups and their members’ info, run the script as follows:
After the script execution, both output files will be available in the execution directory.
Note: You can use the above syntax to execute the script with both MFA and non-MFA account.
The Microsoft 365 Group report has the following columns: Group Name, Email Address, Group Type, Group Members Count, and Members Count by Type.
The Microsoft 365 group membership report has the following columns: Group Name, Group Email Address, Member Name, Member Email, and Member Type. Group member type is helpful in identifying type of a member such as user, group, and contact.
As earlier said, the script supports advanced filtering params to get the report as per your requirement.
Export all Microsoft 365 Groups and Membership to CSV
To export all the Microsoft 365 groups, execute the script as follows:
The exported report contains all the group types such as Distribution List, Security Groups, Mail-enabled Security group and Unified groups.
By referring to this report, admin can add or remove user from the group.
You can use –GroupIDsFile param to get the report for specific group(s) from the input list called “GroupId.txt” and exports all membership into CSV.
To get group report and membership report for specific groups, pass an input file with a GUID of groups.
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -GroupIDsFile C:/GroupId.txt
The GroupIDsFile must follow the format below: Group identity separated by new line without a header.
The report helps you to get the groups that have more than an ‘N’ number of members. To get this report, you can execute the script with –MinGroupMembersCount
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -MinGroupMembersCount 50
The above script exports all groups that have more than 50 members.
Note: If you want to determine group membership (I.e., members count) based on certain conditions, you can use Dynamic Group membership report.
Security groups are used for granting access to Microsoft 365 resources. To export security group report, you can run the script with –Security
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -Security
By referring group membership report, you can view the users who has rights and access to SharePoint sites and CRM Online.
Distribution lists are used for sending notifications to a group of people. To export distribution group and their membership, you can use –DistributionList
param while executing the script.
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -DistributionList
The above script lists all the distribution groups and their members’ info.
Note: The report lists Microsoft 365 groups (group mailboxes) as a Distribution List.
You can also check our dedicated script on the Distribution Group membership report for a more detailed report.
Mail-enabled Security Groups Report
This type of group works as regular security along with the ability to send mail to its members. To get a list of all the mail-enabled security groups, execute the script with –MailEnabledSecurity param.
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -MailEnabledSecurity
The script exports mail-enabled security groups info and membership to the CSV file.
To get an empty group report (i.e., groups without members), execute the script with –IsEmpty
./M365GroupReport.ps1 -IsEmpty
By referring to this report, you can delete unused/inactive groups in your tenant.
As said earlier, this script is scheduler friendly. You can pass the credential as a parameter. So, it will not prompt for username and password during execution.
./M365GroupReport.ps1 -UserName [email protected] -Password XXX
You can use Windows Task Scheduler for PowerShell scheduled task.
To export a more granular group report, you can use multiple filters (i.e., params and switches). I have given few examples below.
To get empty distribution groups:
./M365GroupReport.ps1 -IsEmpty -DistributionList
To view empty security groups:
./M365GroupReport.ps1 -IsEmpty -Security
To list empty mail-enabled security groups:
./M365GroupReport.ps1 -IsEmpty -MailenabledSecurity
To get large distribution groups:
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -DistributionList -MinGroupMembersCount 500
To get security groups based on the members count:
./M365GroupReports.ps1 -Security -MinGroupMembersCount 50