This is a web-application with Node.js as the backend and React, with Redux for state management, as the front-end framework. The Web-app emulates basic social media functionalites with a fully functioning back-end API with a MongoDB database for storing user information. The App is fully responsive (i.e., takes smart-phone, tablets and big screens into account for displaying the content in a neat, organised fashion).
The app is hosted on Heroku web-hosting platform:
The Web-app provides the ability to create your own account, store your data, comment on a thread, comment on other peoples comments, view other people's profiles, etc.
The skills gained as part of working on this project were:
- Learned React.js Framework
- Learned Node.js and the development of a backend API using Node.js that is fully functional, manages all the web-app data and stores it on a database, handles all the security aspects of app and password authentication, Easily deployable etc.
- Learned the Redux state management system and its integration with React
- Learned No-SQL MongoDB database management
- Improved javascript skills and the new es6 features
- Got more familiar with VCS
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