This is an AddressBook program written for an interview test. The source code follows the abstract factory design pattern which makes program:
- More Scalable
- Easy to contribute to
- Easy to wrap with Mock Tests
The code makes use of smart pointers wherever possible which makes the code memory safe.
The project was built using VisualStudio 2019 targetting C++14. Premake is used to build the project.
To Build the project:
- Use the GenerateProject.bat file to generate Visual Studio .sln file
- The solution can then be opened and built
- The executables binary is generated in the bin folder
Currently the build system only supports Windows but support for other platforms would be added in the future.
A walkthrough of the source code can be found here:
The source is divided into main parts:
- Abstract
- Implementation
The Abstract files lay out the basic interface, on top of which are the implentations created.
Following are the two abstract files:
The Entry is just a simple abstract class that provides pure virtual functions for adding, checking and retriving information to a given element of the Addressbook.class Entry {
virtual ~Entry() = default;
virtual void setFirstName(const char* fName) = 0;
virtual void setLastName(const char* lName) = 0;
virtual const char* getFirstName() = 0;
virtual const char* getLastName() = 0;
virtual int getID() = 0;
virtual bool hasPhoneNumber() = 0;
virtual const char* getPhoneNumber() = 0;
virtual void addPhoneNumber(const char* ph) = 0;
The AddressBook is what adds, removes and retrieves the Entry objects themselves.
class AddressBook {
virtual ~AddressBook() = default;
virtual Shared<Entry> addEntry(Shared<Entry>& entry) = 0;
virtual void removeEntry(Shared<Entry>& entry) = 0;
virtual Shared<std::vector<Shared<Entry>>> getEntriesByFName() = 0;
virtual void printEntriesByFName() = 0;
virtual Shared<std::vector<Shared<Entry>>> getEntriesByLName() = 0;
virtual void printEntriesByLName() = 0;
virtual Shared<std::vector<Shared<Entry>>> searchEntryByFName(const char* fName) = 0;
virtual Shared<std::vector<Shared<Entry>>> searchEntryByLName(const char* lName) = 0;
The EntryImpl class provides overloaded, static Create() function that creates a std::shared_ptr to an EntryImpl object and returns a sp
to an Entry object pointing to it.
Shared<Entry> EntryImpl::Create(const char* fName, const char* lName)
return createShared<EntryImpl>(fName, lName);
Shared<Entry> EntryImpl::Create(const char* fName, const char* lName, const char* phoneNumber)
return createShared<EntryImpl>(fName, lName, phoneNumber);
Entries can thus be created in the follwing way:
Shared<Entry> entry10 = EntryImpl::Create("Jason", "Silva");
Shared<Entry> entry11 = EntryImpl::Create("Andy", "Wier");
//Entries with phone numbers
Shared<Entry> entry12 = EntryImpl::Create("Brandon", "Sanderson", "07566037156");
An AdressBookImpl object can be created and the entries can be added like so:
auto* addrBook = new AddressBookImpl(); // Needs to use smart pointers
The project can be improved in many ways, to name a few:
- Using an algorithm like Suffix tree to store the Entries, which would make the retrieval of entries (The operation that's performed the most) to be much faster
- Using a Mock test (e.g., GTest) for unit testing the functionalities
- Provide build support for other platforms so it can be contributes to by most developers
- Provide better Documentation
- Improve upon the design pattern