- Display a list of movies from data hardcoded in your index.jsx.
- Add a search bar so that a user may see if a movie is in the list.
- After a user submits the search, display all matches (or partial matches) to that title.
- Bonus: Handle the case of no movie by that name found gracefully.
- Add an input field for users to add movies.
- Add a button to each list item that allows the user to toggle a 'watched' property.
- Add two buttons to allow the users to toggle between a list of 'watched' movies and movies 'to watch'.
- Add a panel of movie information that appears when the title is clicked (consider starting with hardcoded information)
You can use the following data:
var movies = [
{title: 'Mean Girls'},
{title: 'Hackers'},
{title: 'The Grey'},
{title: 'Sunshine'},
{title: 'Ex Machina'},
- Move the hardcoded data from index.jsx to your Express Server js file
- In your Express Server code a GET route called /movies which will be used to get the hardcoded list of movies
- Modify your index.jsx to call this /movies GET route to do an initial load of your data
- In your Express Server code a POST route called /movie. This route will allow the user to create a new movie
- Modify your index.jsx use the /movie POST route
- Go to https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api to learn more about the API you will be using. Sign-up for a new API Key. If you do not receive one within 15 minutes ask a proctor for assistance.
- Write code in movieAPI.js necessary to call the API (you may use the 'now_playing' endpoint) and retrieve movie results
- Create a new Express GET route called /load in which you make a call to the API. Put the retrieved data into the hardcoded movies array in Express index.js
- Modify your index.jsx file accordingly to handle the loaded API data. You should no longer have dummy data anywhere.
- Write code in schema.sql to setup your database structure to be able to store your API movie data
- Write code in database/index.js to insert and retrieve data from your database
- You will be inserting and retrieving the data retrieved from the API. You may pick and chose which specific fields your store
- A test file has been provided for you in database/tests/ which you may run independently of your application to test your queries.
- Modify the 3 Express routes so that they are no longer using or accessing any hardcoded data.
- The /load route should be retrieving from the API and inserting into the DB
- The get /movies route should be retrieving from the db
- The post /movie route should be inserting into the db
- Modify your front end code to only use these routes for both getting and sending data
- All other front end functionality (i.e. search, add movie, toggle watched) should still be fully functioning
You may access any pages that are at the below-listed domains. You don't necessarily have to stick to only the pages listed below. Any pages at the domains listed below are okay.