tested for linux (what else)
Dowloads direcoty file organizer
costantly check the download directory. if i find a new file - given a regular language => i chose where to put it. defining the regular language:
- with some particular uni-prefix (es. (comb|ling|ott|so|reti)-([a-z])-* it need to be inserted in the correct directory path/to/uni/[subject]) =>
- where [subject] is the first argument
- and the block [a-z] indicates the sub-directory (by default "lucidi")
- that works even for the main linux directories: (Documents|Downloads|Music|Pictures|Public|Templates|Videos)-([a-z]|[A-Z]|\d)*
- if no directories is specified, then it's gonna look for the extencion => ex. *.pdf => Documents/pdf
- convert .xopp files in the a certain direcoty:
- option to override
- option to recursvily search in subdirs