This repository contains example of implementation package with Multi-Session/Account Support. This example is using a labstack/echo version 4.x.
- Multi-Session/Account Support
- Multi-Device Support
- WhatsApp Authentication (QR Code and Logout)
- WhatsApp Messaging Send Text
- WhatsApp Messaging Send Media (Document, Image, Audio, Video, Sticker)
- WhatsApp Messaging Send Location
- WhatsApp Messaging Send Contact
- WhatsApp Messaging Send Link
- And Much More ...
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment section for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Prequisites packages:
- Go (Go Programming Language)
- Swag (Go Annotations Converter to Swagger Documentation)
- GoReleaser (Go Automated Binaries Build)
- Make (Automated Execution using Makefile)
Optional packages:
- Docker (Application Containerization)
Install Docker CE based on the manual documentation
Run the following command on your Terminal or PowerShell
docker run -d \
-p 3000:3000 \
--name go-whatsapp-multidevice \
--rm dimaskiddo/go-whatsapp-multidevice-rest:latest
Now it should be accessible in your machine by accessing
Try to use integrated API docs that accesible in
Download Pre-Build Binaries from the release page
Extract the zipped file
Copy the
file as.env
file -
Run the pre-build binary
# MacOS / Linux
chmod 755 go-whatsapp-multidevice-rest
# Windows
# You can double click it or using PowerShell
Now it should be accessible in your machine by accessing
Try to use integrated API docs that accesible in
Below is the instructions to make this source code running:
- Create a Go Workspace directory and export it as the extended GOPATH directory
cd <your_go_workspace_directory>
export GOPATH=$GOPATH:"`pwd`"
- Under the Go Workspace directory create a source directory
mkdir -p src/
- Move to the created directory and pull codebase
cd src/
git clone -b master .
- Run following command to pull vendor packages
make vendor
- Link or copy environment variables file
ln -sf .env.development .env
# - OR -
cp .env.development .env
- Until this step you already can run this code by using this command
make run
- (Optional) Use following command to build this code into binary spesific platform
make build
- (Optional) To make mass binaries distribution you can use following command
make release
Now it should be accessible in your machine by accessing
Try to use integrated API docs that accesible in
You can access any endpoint under HTTP_BASE_URL environment variable which by default located at .env
Integrated API Documentation can be accessed in <HTTP_BASE_URL>/docs/
or by default it's in localhost:3000/api/v1/whatsapp/docs/
Currently the test is not ready yet :)
- Go - Go Programming Languange
- Swag - Go Annotations Converter to Swagger Documentation
- GoReleaser - Go Automated Binaries Build
- Make - GNU Make Automated Execution
- Docker - Application Containerization
- Dimas Restu Hidayanto - Initial Work - DimasKiddo
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project
You can seek more information for the make command parameters in the Makefile