Our model takes in an image and predicts whether its a picture of a dog or a cat. In order to use the model, it is hosted on Google Cloud, and can be accessed different ways
To use the project, the following links are available
- Clone the GitHub repository with
git clone https://github.com/evittaka/MLOps_catsvsdogs.git
- Download the training dockerfile from Google Cloud
docker pull europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtumlops-448016/mlops-50-docker/mlops-app-cloud
- Use the API: API link
- Easy to use webpage: Link to frontend
The structure of the project is seen in the flowchart below. This gives an idea of the flow and interdependencies of the project, as well as the accespoints mentioned before.
This project is undertaken by Group 50 as part of the 02476 Machine Learning Operations course at DTU. The primary objective is to apply the principles and techniques learned during the course to solve a machine learning problem. We aim to leverage one of the provided frameworks to build a scalable and well-structured solution. As an outcome, we could expect to be gained a profficiency in MLOps tools such as, Docker, Hydra, WanDB, Cloud services and many more.
For this project, we have chosen the TIMM (PyTorch Image Models) framework, specifically designed for computer vision tasks. TIMM offers a wide selection of pre-trained models that can be fine-tuned to suit our needs. This framework is particularly advantageous due to its robust integration with PyTorch, streamlined APIs, and access to cutting-edge architectures. Using TIMM, we will construct and experiment with state-of-the-art deep learning models. As part of this process, we will set up the TIMM framework within our development environment, ensuring that our codebase is clean, modular, and well-managed through version control.
The dataset selected for this project is the Cats vs Dogs dataset from Kaggle. This dataset consists of 25,000 labeled images of cats and dogs, making it ideal for a binary image classification task. The dataset is well-suited for our goal of exploring and benchmarking convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The images are diverse in terms of size, lighting, and orientation, which presents unique challenges for model training. Before feeding the data into our models, we will perform preprocessing steps such as resizing, normalization, and augmentation to enhance model performance.
Our task is to perform binary image classification on the Cats vs Dogs dataset. Initially, we will develop a baseline CNN model to establish a point of reference. Subsequently, we will explore and compare the performance of advanced models available in the TIMM framework, including ConvNeXt, MobileNet V3, ResNet, and VGG. This comparison will help us understand the strengths and trade-offs of each model in terms of accuracy, computational efficiency, and scalability.
For the people developing the project, here are some instructions to get started.
Clone the repository
Create a virtual environment
conda create -n mlops python=3.11 -y
conda activate mlops
- Install invoke
pip install invoke
- Install the required packages
invoke requirements
or if in development mode
invoke dev-requirements
- Install the pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
The dataset is available on Kaggle at the following link: Cats-vs-Dogs.
To download the dataset without creating a Kaggle account, run the following command:
invoke preprocess-data
This will download the dataset and preprocess it. The number of images to use per class, image size and test size can be modified in the configuration files found in the config folder. The processed data will be saved in the data/process folder, and will consist of a train and test .pt files.
To train the model, run the following command:
invoke train
Also, parameters can be set by modifying the configuration files found in the config folder.
Results will be saved in the reports
To evaluate the model, run the following command:
invoke evaluate --model-path <path-to-model>
To run the unit tests, run the following command:
invoke test
We use 'ruff' to enforce code styling. To check the code styling, run the following command:
ruff check .
Some styling issues can be fixed automatically by running:
ruff check . --fix
Other issues will need to be fixed manually.
To format the code, run the following command:
ruff format .
The main branch is a protected branch. In order to integrate your changes, you will need to develop on a separate branch, and create a pull request for your branch. GitHub Actions will then run the unittests, integration tests and check formating. Another member of the team will then need to accept your changes and give a review of the changes made. After this has occured, the branch can be merged with main.
When a change to the main branch has occured, a new build will be made on Google Cloud. If this succeeds, a full checkmark will be available for the main branch.
To build the Docker image for the project, run the following command:
docker build --build-arg -f train.dockerfile . -t train:latest
- This command will build the Docker image and tag it as
Additionally, you can download the image from Google Cloud with the following command:
docker pull europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtumlops-448016/mlops-50-docker/mlops-app-cloud
Once the Docker image is built, you can run the container using the following command (for Ubuntu-based systems):
docker run -it --rm --gpus all train
: Runs the container in interactive mode with a terminal.--rm
: Automatically removes the container once it stops.--gpus all
: Enables GPU support for the container (requires NVIDIA drivers and Docker GPU support).--net=host
: Shares the network namespace with the host.--privileged
: Grants the container access to host resources (e.g., GPUs).
This will just perform the training, exit, and delete the container. If you want to launch a shell inside the container, you can run the following command:
docker run -it --rm --gpus all train /bin/bash
This will open a shell inside the container, allowing you to interact with it. To train the model, you can run the following command inside the container:
invoke train
To evaluate the model, you can run the following command:
invoke evaluate