Online players monitor for Shores of Hazeron.
My name is Deantwo and here in another one of my little C# programs.
I only used about two days on this, so it is nothing major.
I was inspired a lot by the contact window used in EVE Online, so I can't take total credit for the idea.
HazeronWatcher is a simple little program written in C# that monitors the Players Online webpage.
It shows all online avatars in a list and then allows adding them to watch groups with custom colors and custom online notification sounds.
- .Net Framework 4.7.2
(Standard on windows) - Internet connection
(access to playerson)
Adding offline avatars:
- Go to the avatar list on
- Get the ID of the avatar
- Start HazeronWatcher (if you hadn't already)
- Click the Add avatar via ID button above the watchlist
- Enter the avatar's ID
- Click OK
Custom notification sound:
- Open HazeronWatcher's AppData folder
File -> Open AppData Folder
- Move or copy the desired .wav file to the folder
- List all online avatars
- List all recently online avatars
- Create watch groups and add avatars to them
- Get notifications when selected avatars come online
- Customizable notification sounds
- Writing of notes for avatars
- Add empires to watch groups
- Add empire flags
- Merging of characters/alts into one
I'd love some feedback and maybe some ideas.