The Chat Log is a plugin that adds the possibility to see an entire log, Default capped at 300 sentences. The Plugin is available with the commands: "/logs", opens all the logs, "/local" opens the local messages logs, "/global" opens all the global messages logs, "/search", searches for a message and "/searchplayer", which searches for the messages a player sent.
The plugin owns a settings.json that can be found in the ChatLog folder in the same plugins folder. The settings.json will count with three variable, two actual variables and a third one for extra information.
The first variable is for the limit of messages that you want the ChatLog to store. The second variable is to know what language should the plugin use (0 = English, 1 = Spanish, 2 = French, 3 = Polish). The third variable is additional information for the second variable.
Big thanks to xiluisx, he helped a lot in the plugin development. Thanks too to The-g for the contributions he made. And so, thanks to potatomantiger for his help. Problems with the plugin, contact Deaddiamond#5065 (Discord).