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GitHub Actions / Test results succeeded Jan 6, 2025 in 1s

724 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ ./test-indicators/_fv-az1344-816_2025-01-06_00_07_59.trx

724 tests were completed in 7s with 724 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Tests.Common.Candles 3✅ 142ms
Tests.Common.CustomExceptions 3✅ 1ms
Tests.Common.NullMaths 5✅ 19ms
Tests.Common.Numerixs 8✅ 8ms
Tests.Common.Pruning 2✅ 6ms
Tests.Common.QuoteHistory 4✅ 26ms
Tests.Common.QuoteUtility 7✅ 14ms
Tests.Common.QuoteValidation 4✅ 15ms
Tests.Common.Results 2✅ 6ms
Tests.Common.Seeking 1✅ 5ms
Tests.Common.Sorting 1✅ 2ms
Tests.Common.Startup 1✅ 1ms
Tests.Common.Syncing 1✅ 4ms
Tests.Common.Transforms 2✅ 1ms
Tests.Indicators.AdlTests 8✅ 9ms
Tests.Indicators.AdxTests 9✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.AlligatorTests 10✅ 14ms
Tests.Indicators.Alma 10✅ 560ms
Tests.Indicators.Aroon 6✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.AtrStopTests 7✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.AtrTests 6✅ 4ms
Tests.Indicators.AwesomeTests 9✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.BaseQuoteTests 3✅ 3ms
Tests.Indicators.BetaTests 16✅ 98ms
Tests.Indicators.BollingerBandsTests 9✅ 13ms
Tests.Indicators.BopTests 7✅ 242ms
Tests.Indicators.CciTests 6✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.ChaikinOscTests 6✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.ChandelierTests 6✅ 9ms
Tests.Indicators.ChopTests 7✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.CmfTests 7✅ 13ms
Tests.Indicators.CmoTests 9✅ 16ms
Tests.Indicators.ConnorsRsiTests 9✅ 14ms
Tests.Indicators.CorrelationTests 10✅ 32ms
Tests.Indicators.DemaTests 9✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.DojiTests 5✅ 3ms
Tests.Indicators.DonchianTests 6✅ 10ms
Tests.Indicators.DpoTests 8✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.ElderRayTests 6✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.EmaTests 12✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.EpmaTests 9✅ 14ms
Tests.Indicators.FcbTests 6✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.FisherTransformTests 8✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.ForceIndexTests 6✅ 4ms
Tests.Indicators.FractalTests 6✅ 3ms
Tests.Indicators.GatorTests 9✅ 9ms
Tests.Indicators.HeikinAshiTests 5✅ 4ms
Tests.Indicators.HmaTests 9✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.HtTrendlineTests 9✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.HurstTests 9✅ 116ms
Tests.Indicators.IchimokuTests 6✅ 30ms
Tests.Indicators.KamaTests 9✅ 10ms
Tests.Indicators.KeltnerTests 6✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.KlingerTests 6✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.MacdTests 9✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.MaEnvelopesTests 15✅ 21ms
Tests.Indicators.MamaTests 9✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.MarubozuTests 5✅ 2ms
Tests.Indicators.McGinleyDynamicTests 8✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.MfiTests 7✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.ObvTests 7✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.ParabolicSarTests 8✅ 9ms
Tests.Indicators.PivotPointsTests 9✅ 15ms
Tests.Indicators.PivotsTests 5✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.PmoTests 9✅ 10ms
Tests.Indicators.PrsTests 8✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.PvoTests 6✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.RenkoTests 7✅ 131ms
Tests.Indicators.RocTests 10✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.RocWbTests 9✅ 31ms
Tests.Indicators.RollingPivotsTests 9✅ 33ms
Tests.Indicators.RsiTests 12✅ 134ms
Tests.Indicators.SlopeTests 10✅ 17ms
Tests.Indicators.SmaExtendedTests 9✅ 9ms
Tests.Indicators.SmaTests 10✅ 164ms
Tests.Indicators.SmiTests 8✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.SmmaTests 9✅ 4ms
Tests.Indicators.StarcBandsTests 6✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.StcTests 10✅ 16ms
Tests.Indicators.StdDevChannelsTests 10✅ 11ms
Tests.Indicators.StdDevTests 11✅ 21ms
Tests.Indicators.StochRsiTests 10✅ 10ms
Tests.Indicators.StochTests 11✅ 29ms
Tests.Indicators.SuperTrendTests 7✅ 7ms
Tests.Indicators.T3Tests 8✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.TemaTests 9✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.TrixTests 9✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.TrTests 4✅ 3ms
Tests.Indicators.TsiTests 10✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.UlcerIndexTests 9✅ 15ms
Tests.Indicators.UltimateTests 6✅ 8ms
Tests.Indicators.VolatilityStopTests 6✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.VortexTests 6✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.VwapTests 7✅ 20ms
Tests.Indicators.VwmaTests 6✅ 6ms
Tests.Indicators.WilliamsRTests 8✅ 29ms
Tests.Indicators.WmaTests 10✅ 5ms
Tests.Indicators.ZigZagTests 10✅ 31ms

✅ Tests.Common.Candles

✅ CandleValues
✅ SortCandles
✅ ToCandles

✅ Tests.Common.CustomExceptions

✅ BadHistory
✅ BadHistoryWithInner
✅ BadHistoryWithMessage

✅ Tests.Common.NullMaths

✅ AbsDouble
✅ NaN2Null
✅ Null2NaN
✅ RoundDecimal
✅ RoundDouble

✅ Tests.Common.Numerixs

✅ RoundDownDate
✅ Slope
✅ SlopeMismatch
✅ SlopeXnull
✅ SlopeYnull
✅ StdDev
✅ StdDevNull
✅ ToTimeSpan

✅ Tests.Common.Pruning

✅ Remove
✅ RemoveTooMany

✅ Tests.Common.QuoteHistory

✅ Aggregate
✅ AggregateMonth
✅ AggregateTimeSpan
✅ BadAggregationSize

✅ Tests.Common.QuoteUtility

✅ QuoteDToTuple
✅ QuoteToBasicData
✅ QuoteToSortedCollection
✅ QuoteToSortedList
✅ QuoteToTuple
✅ ToSortedList
✅ ToTupleCollection

✅ Tests.Common.QuoteValidation

✅ DuplicateHistory
✅ Validate
✅ ValidateCut
✅ ValidateLong

✅ Tests.Common.Results

✅ Condense
✅ ToTuple

✅ Tests.Common.Seeking

✅ Find

✅ Tests.Common.Sorting

✅ ToSortedCollection

✅ Tests.Common.Startup

✅ ShowFramework

✅ Tests.Common.Syncing

✅ SyncIndex

✅ Tests.Common.Transforms

✅ Exceptions
✅ ToCollection

✅ Tests.Indicators.AdlTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ RandomData
✅ Standard
✅ WithSma

✅ Tests.Indicators.AdxTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ Issue859
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ Zeroes

✅ Tests.Indicators.AlligatorTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ Sync
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.Alma

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NaN
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.Aroon

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.AtrStopTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ HighLow
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.AtrTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.AwesomeTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.BaseQuoteTests

✅ Chainor
✅ Standard
✅ Use

✅ Tests.Indicators.BetaTests

✅ All
✅ BadData
✅ BetaMsft
✅ BigData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Down
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoMatch
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ SameSame
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ Up
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.BollingerBandsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.BopTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NaN
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.CciTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.ChaikinOscTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.ChandelierTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.ChopTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ SmallLookback
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.CmfTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.CmoTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.ConnorsRsiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.CorrelationTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.DemaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.DojiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.DonchianTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.DpoTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.ElderRayTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.EmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chaining
✅ Chainor
✅ Custom
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ Stream
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.EpmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.FcbTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.FisherTransformTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.ForceIndexTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.FractalTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ StandardSpan2
✅ StandardSpan4

✅ Tests.Indicators.GatorTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Condense
✅ FromAlligator
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.HeikinAshiTests

✅ BadData
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ ToQuotes
✅ UseAsQuotes

✅ Tests.Indicators.HmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.HtTrendlineTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ NoQuotes
✅ PennyData
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.HurstTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ StandardLong
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.IchimokuTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ Extended
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.KamaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.KeltnerTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.KlingerTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.MacdTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.MaEnvelopesTests

✅ Alma
✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Condense
✅ Dema
✅ Ema
✅ Epma
✅ Exceptions
✅ Hma
✅ Sma
✅ Smma
✅ Tema
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple
✅ Wma

✅ Tests.Indicators.MamaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.MarubozuTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.McGinleyDynamicTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.MfiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ SmallLookback
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.ObvTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ WithSma

✅ Tests.Indicators.ParabolicSarTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ Extended
✅ InsufficientQuotes
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.PivotPointsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Camarilla
✅ Demark
✅ Exceptions
✅ Fibonacci
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ Woodie

✅ Tests.Indicators.PivotsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.PmoTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.PrsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.PvoTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.RenkoTests

✅ Atr
✅ BadData
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ StandardClose
✅ StandardHighLow
✅ UseAsQuotes

✅ Tests.Indicators.RocTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple
✅ WithSma

✅ Tests.Indicators.RocWbTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.RollingPivotsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Camarilla
✅ Demark
✅ Exceptions
✅ Fibonacci
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ Woodie

✅ Tests.Indicators.RsiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ CryptoData
✅ Exceptions
✅ NaN
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ SmallLookback
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.SlopeTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.SmaExtendedTests

✅ Analysis
✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.SmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ CandlePartOpen
✅ CandlePartVolume
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NaN
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN

✅ Tests.Indicators.SmiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ NoSignal
✅ Removed
✅ SmallPeriods
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.SmmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.StarcBandsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.StcTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ Issue1107
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.StdDevChannelsTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ FullHistory
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.StdDevTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple
✅ WithSma

✅ Tests.Indicators.StochRsiTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ FastRsi
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ SlowRsi
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.StochTests

✅ BadData
✅ Boundary
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ Extended
✅ Fast
✅ FastSmall
✅ NoQuotes
✅ NoSignal
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.SuperTrendTests

✅ BadData
✅ Bitcoin
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.T3Tests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.TemaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.TrixTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.TrTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.TsiTests

✅ BadData
✅ BigData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.UlcerIndexTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.UltimateTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.VolatilityStopTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.VortexTests

✅ BadData
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.VwapTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ WithStartDate

✅ Tests.Indicators.VwmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.WilliamsRTests

✅ BadData
✅ Boundary
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ Issue1127
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard

✅ Tests.Indicators.WmaTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainee
✅ Chaining
✅ Chainor
✅ Exceptions
✅ NoQuotes
✅ Removed
✅ Standard
✅ TupleNaN
✅ UseTuple

✅ Tests.Indicators.ZigZagTests

✅ BadData
✅ Chainor
✅ Condense
✅ Exceptions
✅ Issue632
✅ NoEntry
✅ NoQuotes
✅ SchrodingerScenario
✅ StandardClose
✅ StandardHighLow