A library of helper functions for using Reselect with a store built with Immutable objects.
This library is provided as a CommonJS module transpiled to ES5.
This package provides two helper functions that wrap the most common
Immutable methods needed in selectors: .get()
and .has()
The createGetSelector
utility is a wrapper around the .get()
of an Immutable object to reduce boilerplate. It takes three
- A selector returning an Immutable object
- A key or a selector returning a key
- An optional default value
The simplest case is where we have a fixed key known when the selector is created. In this case we can do
const getProductTitle = createGetSelector(getProduct, 'title', '')
which is equivalent to
const getProductTitle = createSelector(
(product) => product.get('title', '')
If instead the key is in the store, we can use something like
const getCurrentItem = createGetSelector(
which is equivalent to
const getCurrentCategory = createSelector(
(items, index) => items.get(index)
The createHasSelector
utility is a wrapper around the .has()
of an Immutable object to reduce boilerplate. It takes two
- A selector returning an Immutable object
- A key or a selector returning a key
So we can do something like:
const isCurrentItemValid = createHasSelector(
which is equivalent to:
const isCurrentItemValid = createSelector(
(items, index) => items.has(index)
A major pitfall with using the .toJS()
method of Immutable objects to
create props to be passed to a React component is that it will create
a new object every time it is called, even if the Immutable object
itself is the same. Reselect provides a useful facility to fix this
through its memoization of inputs; this library builds upon this to
make efficiently passing props from an Immutable store to React
components simple.
The createPropsSelector
function is a selector creator that is
optimized for writing mapStateToProps
functions in react-redux. It
takes an object with selectors for values, in the same way as
in Reselect itself, but it wraps each
selector in a way that ensures that its output is a plain Javascript
The wrapper functions use the custom equality test facility of
Reselect createSelector
to make sure that the object has differing
contents before recalculating the selector result. With Immutable
objects and the Immutable.is()
function, this is efficient. The
result is that if the contents of the Immutable object in the store
has not changed, the Javascript object passed as a prop does not
change either.
The use of the Reselect selector directly as the mapStateToProps
function unlocks a further opportunity for memoization to help with
performance optimization. If none of the constituent props have
changed, the mapStateToProps
function returns the very same object
as in the previous call. If the result is the same (using the
Javascript ===
operator) from call to call, the react-redux
code knows not to update the React component it wraps. Thus,
using this function and an Immutable store, all connected components
have optimal update policies without explicit shouldComponentUpdate
A example usage of createPropsSelector
const mapStateToProps = createPropsSelector({
title: getProductTitle,
price: getProductPrice,
images: getProductImages,
categoryLink: getCategoryLink
where the images
prop is an array and the categoryLink
prop is an
object. Only if the relevant portions of the Redux store change (or
the component's own props do) does the connected component re-render.
This function also allows the mapStateToProps
definition to echo in
form the object form of the mapDispatchToProps
parameter, which can
improve the cleanliness and symmetry of the connection code.