Tool for managing a Docker Container server Backups
This tool make backups of the Docker Containers (the image itself) + associated volumes. It also allows to restore any backup to a new Container! It also bakcup Bind Volumes + Regular docker volumes
- Python 3.7
- Debian (or any Distro that is compatible with Python and docker python lib)
It could be compatible with WSL2 (windows subsystem for Linux) but has not been tested
- Clone the Repo
git clone
- Install docker python package
pip3 install docker
- (Optional) If you want to make the docker-backup command systemwide, do this:
sudo ln -s docker-backup-tool/ /usr/bin/docker-backup
That will create a symbolic link to /usr/bin that will allow us execute docker-backup from any path on this system
We can setup some things in the file, like backup destination folder.
- backup_path -> Destination backup folder (also its source folder if we want to restore some backup)
- excluded_containers -> Excluded containers. This containers will be ignored when using the --all flag
- backup_max_days -> Max retention backup days. When a backup reach max days old, it will be deleted (when issuing the clean command)
We can show the script options by issuing the -h / --help parameter
./ --help
Principal options:
If we want to backup more than one container at once, we can issue all the containers separated by semicolon (,)
./ -b -c glpi phpmyadmin
We can set the destination folder (of the backup) with the -d parameter. Example, backing up containers to /backup folder:
./ -b -c glpi -d /backups
We can set the max retention backup days on the (as shown above)
That will clean all of the backups that are older in days than the number we specified in the It will always NOT DELETE at least ONE backup for MONTH
We can just clean ONE container backups, for example:
./ -cl -c glpi-mm
Or we can clean ALL the backups:
./ -cl
We can restore a container image from a backup by this way:
./docker-backup -r -c glpi-mm
Script will check backups inside the backup_path folder (or folder set with -d) and will prompt us wich of the backups we wish to restore
We just write the backup number and the container image will be restore to the local docker Daemon
The resultant restored image will have this name: <CONTAINER_NAME:BACKUP_DATE> to be able to be located. After this, we could just assing this image to some container.