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DaFuqs edited this page Sep 23, 2021 · 20 revisions

About Spectrum

Spectrum is a storydriven, exploration-based magic mod about colors.

The CMYK color space to be precise (not to be confused with RGB - how light works). You are an Artist of Magic, using natural energies manifested in color to form truly wonderful constructions and phenomena. There is powerful treasure to uncover, but your path will be plastered with lots of hurdles - some of them more dangerous than others. Your final goal? Discovering what's up with the magical energies surrounding the world and what is waiting for you beneath the bedrock floor.

Spectrum is progression based and tries to not give everything away at first glance. Every step in your journey through the mod will be hinted at via advancements and the ingame manual that you will be gifted as soon as you start the mod.

This mod is not meant to be rushed. It is best played alongside your normal playthough.

Getting Started

The world is scattered with gemstone geodes. The vanilla Amethyst ones, but some more, too. If you manage to stumble upon one and get your first gemstone shards you will be gifted Spectrums manual "Colorful World". This is where the fun begins.

You are now able to craft your Pigment Pedestal, where most blocks and items in Spectrum are crafted in.


As the player encounters new parts of the mod (like finding the first geode, constructing a structure around the pigment pedestal, crafts a specific item, …) new revelations are unlocked. Ores that previously looked like simple stone can now be seen and drop their ore items. What previously looked like oak trees will be dipped in color. New natural phenomena occur, like shooting stars. The player is notified via a toast message when new things become visible, without stating what exactly.

Spectrums manual: “Colorful World”

The manual is gifted to the player when he first finds a geode. It is implemented using patchouli. In it are explanations for every item and block to be found and craftable. Entries should consist of a lore part (the player writing down the findings and ideas behind creating stuff – that way the real person has more of an „I discovered that” feel) and a mechanical part: The recipe and if necessary a short explanation. Each entry will only be unlocked when discovered, gradually revealing more and more of it’s contents.

Have fun!

Playing with Friends

Since Spectrum is highly progression driven some things that one player is able to do it not the thing another can, when lacking sufficient progression. That said 90 % of the progression can be done collaboratively perfectly fine, especially if sharing base and inventory. If anything, sharing newly found discoveries can be lots of fun!

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