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Getting started

Electro_593 edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 3 revisions

The world is scattered with gemstone geodes. The vanilla amethyst ones, but some more, too. If you manage to stumble upon one and get your first gemstone shards, you will be gifted Spectrum's guidebook, "Colorful World".

This is where the fun begins. You are now able to craft your Pigment Pedestal, where most blocks and items in Spectrum are crafted in.

This mod is not meant to be rushed. It is best enjoyed alongside your normal playthough.

Have fun!


As you make progress (like finding your first geode, constructing a structure around the Pigment Pedestal or craft a specific item) new revelations are unlocked. Ores that previously looked like simple stone can now be seen and drop their ore items. What previously looked like oak trees will be dipped in color. New natural phenomena occur, like shooting stars.

You will be notified via a toast message when new things become visible to you, without stating what exactly. Go on some mining and adventuring trips and sooner or later you will find it.

Colorful World: Spectrum's Guidebook

The guidebook is gifted to you automatically when you find your first gemstone geode. In it, you will find detailed explanations for every item and block you already stumbled about or is craftable. Entries consist of a lore part (you as a player writing down your findings and ideas) and a mechanical part: The recipe and a short explanation.

Each entry will only be revealed when discovered, gradually revealing more and more of its contents. Can you become an Artistry Master of the elements?

Playing with Friends

Since Spectrum is highly progression driven some things that one player is able to do, use and see it not the same another can, when lacking sufficient progression. That said, most of the progression can be done collaboratively perfectly fine, especially if sharing a base and inventory. If anything, sharing newly found discoveries can be lots of fun!

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