This role will configure two haproxy nodes in an active-passive configuration on DigitalOcean Droplets. Th
I recommend setting the do_token and ha_auth_key variables in group_vars/group_name/vars.yml and setting them to the values stored in an ansible-vault encrypted file in group_vars/group_name/vault.yml
# DigitalOcean access token
do_token: "{{ vault_do_token }}"
# Generated ha auth key.
ha_auth_key: "{{ vault_ha_auth_key }}"
Just don't forget to set vault_do_token and vault_ha_auth_key.
You can adjust the following two variables in defaults/main.yml
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"
locale: "en_US.UTF-8"
You should install the role before attempting to execute directly from a playbook.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Once the role is installed you can set it up in your playbook.
- hosts: load_balancer
- { role: ansible-haproxy }
become: True