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Ezequiel Birman edited this page Dec 22, 2024 · 19 revisions

A self-help guide to look for particular information about anything related to Cuis Smalltalk in a more or less systematic fashion

Nota bene: I am writing this guide for myself, but I believe it will also help others. The main goal is for us, cuisers, to be able to find information faster, and relieve us from the burden of repeating ourselves. A secondary goal is to amend, remove or emphasise discrepancies, inaccuracies and redundancy.

The order in which resources appear matter, and is based on what I'd do if I remembered every one of them. If you believe that anyone is misplaced just move it to wherever you think fits best, but please add a note in the “edit message” dialog box, below.

I am writing in the wiki in the hope that this document can be improved by others, and maybe at some point, moved to some place in the main documentation or to the web site. On the other hand its use case overlaps with How can I make X: Learn to fish in Smalltalk. The difference is that this document is more focused on listing resources

Cuis itself

Use the latest version

Whether you are experiencing an error, an unexpected behaviour, or just a doubt, update to the latest development version. An easy way to achieve this is to run or

Ensure that the latest changes are applied in the image

Either pass the -u option or use one of the runCuis... shell scripts, or do it by hand via the menu, or by evaluating ChangeSet installNewUpdates.

Read commit messages

Built-in Cuis Help

If you cannot find what you are looking for by the usual means, i.e. browsers, debuggers, searches; just in case, review some of the built-in help: World menu -> Help.

The Terse Guide to Cuis

Class comment browser (currently broken)

Useful expressions

VM Statistics

Space left

Require Tests

Some Packages include tests but usually Cuis maintainers keep them separate in a sibling package. Even the base image! They are often a great starting point when you need to figure how something works, or why something doesn't.

Erudite “books”


Include org:Cuis-Smalltalk with your search terms to look within the whole GitHub organization. If you need to narrow it down, read GitHub's help page on searching. E.g. to search only in markdown files, include org:Cuis-Smalltalk AND language:Markdown. If you need to widen it up, just include something like Smalltalk AND Cuis.

Alternatively use ripgrep or grep if you prefer to search within your local copy.

The Documentation directory in the Git repository

This is the main project documentation, according to the official web site.

GitHub filter: repo:Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev path:/^Documentation\//.

Learning Cuis

GitHub filter: repo:Cuis-Smalltalk/Learning-Cuis.

GitHub filter: repo:nmingotti/The-Cuis-CookBook. Dr. Nicola Mingotti's recipes:

A programming language cookbook is something like StackOverflow, without the digging part and the try&pray experience. For a gentle and structured introduction to Cuis-Smalltalk, you should start with the The Cuis Book and Learning-Cuis more about this on the References.

Cuis Wiki at GitHub

GitHub filter: Include repo:Cuis-Smalltalk/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev with your search terms. Then click on the “wiki” results link.

Mailing List Archives

Include: OR in your Google Seach query. Alternatively use site: OR if you want to only search the mailing list archives instead of whole sites.

Community meetings archive

Check the YouTube playlist

Also check Cuisme's videos and inform any discrepancies

The Cuis Smalltalk Book

GitHub filter: repo:Cuis-Smalltalk/TheCuisBook. The Cuis Smalltalk Book is sort of finished in structure and scope, but a work in progress in another. It gets updated and amended frequently, so maybe what you're looking for was added since the last time you've checked.

Official web site documentation page

This is listed last because we assume we have already read it, but sometimes something may slip from our memory.

Other video content

Aprendiendo Smalltalk en época del COVID-19

A series of Eleven videos in Spanish by Hernán Wilkinson. From the very basics to the internals of the VM. Uses Cuis almost exclusively, and a little of Gemstone/S.

TODO: Add tutorials

FAST YouTube channel

Fundación Argentina de Smalltalk keeps its YouTube channel updated. This includes the yearly Smalltalks conference, workshops, meetings, etc. Many things directly related to Cuis Smalltalk.

Mark Volkmann's blog pages

Mark wrote a series blog posts on Smalltalk with a focus on Cuis, the starting point is Quick Introduction to Smalltalk but there are many more separated by topic.

Github filter: repo:mvolkmann/blog path:/^src\/smalltalk\//

Write to the mailing list

After conducting your research, don't hesitate to ask your questions and/or share your insights with the community.