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Refactor priority type dropdown in issue template #14

Refactor priority type dropdown in issue template

Refactor priority type dropdown in issue template #14

#name: Update to In Progress on Assignment
# issues:
# types:
# - assigned
# set-status-in-progress:
# name: Move Assigned Issue to In-progress
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# # Step 1: Get the item ID of the issue in the project
# - name: Get Project Item ID
# id: getItemId
# uses: actions/github-script@v6
# with:
# script: |
# const projectOwner = 'Computing-For-All';
# const projectNumber = 3;
# const issueNodeId = context.payload.issue.node_id; // Get the Node ID of the assigned issue
# // Fetch the project to get the project ID
# const { organization } = await github.graphql(`
# query($login: String!, $number: Int!) {
# organization(login: $login) {
# projectV2(number: $number) {
# id
# items(first: 100) {
# nodes {
# id
# content {
# ... on Issue {
# id
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# `, {
# login: projectOwner,
# number: projectNumber
# });
# // Find the item ID in the project corresponding to the issue's node ID
# const projectId =;
# const projectItem = user.projectV2.items.nodes.find(item => === issueNodeId);
# if (!projectItem) {
# throw new Error(`Item for issue with ID "${issueNodeId}" not found in project.`);
# }
# console.log('Project Item ID:',;
# return;
# # Step 2: Update the status of the item in the project to "🚧 In Progress"
# - name: Update Project Item Status
# uses: kalgurn/update-project-item-status@main
# with:
# project-url:
# # Use a Personal Access Token (PAT) stored in GitHub secrets
# github-token: ${{ secrets.ADD_TO_PROJECT_PAT }}
# # Reference the item ID from the previous step output
# item-id: ${{ steps.getItemId.outputs.result }}
# # Set the new status to "🚧 In Progress"
# status: "🚧 In Progress" # Update with your exact status name in the Project