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Alexander Grund edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 1 revision

There is a test suite that requires python 3 with NumPy and YAML that can be used to test various implementation usages.

Examples (assuming <outputPath> is replaced by a writeable directory):

Compile test over all examples for which compile/cmakeFlags is set:

buildSystem/ -a -o <outputPath> --compile-only

Run module tests (including compilation if required):

TBG_TPLFILE=submit/bash/bash_mpirun.tpl TBG_SUBMIT=bash buildSystem/ -e examples/ModuleTest/ -o <outputPath> -t "*"
Requires MPI and 1 GPU. Can be used on a batch system by setting appropriate TBG_* templates/submit command. Can be done in parallel by adding -j for compilation and -k for submitting multiple tests at once.

Run HDF5 tests (similar to module tests):

TBG_TPLFILE=submit/bash/bash_mpirun.tpl TBG_SUBMIT=bash buildSystem/ -e examples/hdf5Test/ -o <outputPath> -t "*"
Requires MPI and 1 and/or 8 GPUs. Usage is the same as the ModuleTests so could be run together.