A programming language compiling down to Brainfuck!
Study the following program in file ´print.b´, which takes two character inputs and prints out which is bigger
print "input: ";
getchar a;
getchar b;
if a < b {
print "a<b\n";
} else if a > b {
print "a>b\n";
} else {
print "a=b\n";
This can be compiled using the command
/path/to/binary compile print.b
This prints the following to the file b.bf
which is a valid Brainfuck program that operates as you would expect! Magic!
Now when you have a .bf file you can also run it using a runtime visualizer! Simply type
/path/to/binary run b.bf
You will see some output of the form
97 114 0 [ 1 ] 4 0 4
Here you can see the memory of the process, the instruction table and the process' output in realtime!