This version was released on October 24, 2024.
New features
- Added the List Delegates operation for Smart Contract Wallets.
- Added the List address book entries operation to retrieve addresses from your address book.
- Added the Trigger test event operation to test the functionality of your webhook endpoint.
- Added the asset_model_type property in the response of the Get token information operation to indicate whether a token uses the account model or the UTXO model.
- Added the calldata_info property to the TransactionEvmContractDestination schema to provide a more detailed representation of smart contract calldata.
- Added the TransactionRawMessageSignDestination schema and added the Raw_Message_Signature value to the destination_type enum to represent the transaction destination for raw message signatures.
- Added Stake and Unstake as new possible values for the types query parameter in the List all transactions operation.
- Added bitmart and bitfinex as new possible values to the exchange_id enum.
The delegate property was no longer a required property in the TransactionSmartContractSafeWalletSource schema.
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0