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Security: ClayStack/claystack-docs




At ClayStack, we take security very seriously. We invest in both creating secure protocols and secure processes for the safety of funds and the reliability of the protocol.


csETH Ethereum

ClayStack’s csETH for Ethereum has been audited by Nethermind, a leading blockchain security auditor. Its report helped bolster the security of the csETH contract by outlining vulnerabilities which were fixed.

Audit Report

csMATIC Ethereum

ClayStack's ClayMatic protocol has been audited by ChainSecurity, deemed one of the top firms in the industry. ChainSecurity's audit finds NO medium, high, nor critical vulnerabilities which attests to ClayStack's commitment to security.

Audit Report

csMATIC Polygon

ClayStack's csMATIC for Polygon has been audited by Quantstamp, deemed one of the top firms in the industry. Quantstamp's audit finds NO medium, high, nor critical vulnerabilities which attests to ClayStack's commitment to security.

Audit Report

Operations TimeLock

For all internal operations to ensure the on-going operation of the protocol, from fees setting to node delegation. The protocol enforces a TimeLock protocol where any change has to be proposed and approved before being executed. Current proposers and executors are members of the ClayStack Foundation.

timelock (csETH)

View on Etherscan


timelock (csMatic)

View on Etherscan


Upgrades TimeLock

For any contract upgrade, the protocol enforces a TimeLock protocol where any change has to be proposed and approved before being executed. Current proposers and executors are members of the ClayStack Foundation.

upgrades (csETH)

View on Etherscan


upgrades (csMatic)

View on Etherscan


There aren’t any published security advisories