Leaflet-hash lets you to add dynamic URL hashes to web pages with Leaflet maps. You can easily link users to specific map views.
Working with latest leaflet.js (Rc3) Based on working of @calvinmetcalf
Clone or Download git and execute example.html
Prepare a basic leaflet map. You can find instructions on Leaflet's quick-start guide.
Include [leaflet-hash.js] or [leaflet-hash.min.js] (https://raw.github.com/claudiocas/leaflet-hash/master/dist/leaflet-hash.js).
Once you have initialized the map (an instance of L.Map), add the following code:
// Assuming your map instance is in a variable called map map.addHash();
optionally you can pass a an object with a few options
- lc: pass an instance of L.Control.Layer, the baselayers will be put in the hash
- path: template for the url hash, defaults to '{z}/{lat}/{lng}' or '{base}/{z}/{lat}/{lng}' if lc is specified, parts need to be seperated by "/"
- formatBase: an array of length 2 that will be used as the arguments of the overlay names before they go into the url hash, the default turns whitespace to underscores and all lowercase just pass "[//]" if you want it unchanged
MIT License. See LICENSE for details.