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Releases: ChaosDAO-org/InternalGov-2.0


15 Jan 04:15
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What's Changed

  • Error processing referendum 1384 by @Nadro-J in #91
    • JSON key ['content'] contained no data when fetching referendum info from Polkassembly/Subsquare which cause a failure in the creation of the thread. This is because Discord expects 1 or more characters in the body. It will now return "Unable to retrieve content" when the content length is 0.

For context; this issue happened because one of the data sources cleared the content on referendum 1384 as it contained a phishing URL. Please be aware that referendum(s): 1386, 1387 are duplicates of the same phishing attempt and have not been cleared from Polkassembly or Subsquare.

If you are affected and can't see 1384 on Discord, pull the latest version; remove 1384 from data\governance.cache and restart the bot.

Make sure not to break the JSON format when removing

The key to remove

    "1384": {
        "Ongoing": {
            "alarm": [
            "deciding": null,
            "decision_deposit": null,
            "enactment": {
                "After": 100
            "in_queue": false,
            "origin": {
                "Origins": "SmallTipper"
            "proposal": {
                "Lookup": {
                    "hash": "0xc424ccc73fed72eb8bb01fdb6ed137e5c66524b98705cda12729d4044f2181cb",
                    "len": 41
            "submission_deposit": {
                "amount": 10000000000,
                "who": "12jDGSKkmiicJsRjHcZF43SVbrft572JAzfsKbH9pvoAsku4"
            "submitted": 24288071,
            "tally": {
                "ayes": 0,
                "nays": 50000000000,
                "support": 50000000000000
            "track": 30

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.2.6...InternalGov-v2.2.7


12 Dec 04:55
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What's Changed

  • notify admin role when balance is low by @Nadro-J in #89

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.1.6...InternalGov-v2.2.6


04 Dec 01:13
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What's Changed

  • minor changes to handling RPC connections by @Nadro-J in #88

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.6...InternalGov-v2.1.6


09 Nov 17:22
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What's Changed

  • Adding new setting VOTE_WITH_BALANCE by @Nadro-J in #65
  • Optimisations to RPC + Identity bug fix with incorrect MD format by @Nadro-J in #66
  • WFC added to MD table with default settings by @Nadro-J in #67
  • TaskHandler, New setting 'VOTE_WITH_BALANCE' & adjusting schedule timing to sync_embeds() by @Nadro-J in #68
  • Use dictionary's get method for safer key access in get_asset_price_v2() by @Nadro-J in #69
  • updating README details on PM2 by @Nadro-J in #70
  • Improve error handling & retry logic for fetching price from CoinGecko API by @Nadro-J in #71
  • refactor RPC calls to use asyncio.to_thread & asyncio.wait_for for non-blocking behavior and timeout handling by @Nadro-J in #72
  • changes to asyncio, removal of change_presence + structuring of tasks in preparation for v2.0.6 by @Nadro-J in #73
  • minor changes to timeouts / exception handling by @Nadro-J in #74
  • fixing spelling mistake.. by @Nadro-J in #75
  • updating docstring with high-level details on how each task runs by @Nadro-J in #76
  • Refactor Proxy Handling, Increase Timeouts, and Optimize Task and Voting Management by @Nadro-J in #80
  • bugfix to cater to issues where the call couldn't be decoded. by @Nadro-J in #81
  • Add 'Unable to Decode Call' to call details when creating proposal threads by @Nadro-J in #82
  • Initialize SubstrateInterface once, using self.substrate.connect_websocket to reconnect when required by @Nadro-J in #83
  • bump discord version to 2.4.0 by @Nadro-J in #85


VOTE_WITH_BALANCE allows you set the amount of DOT/KSM the governance proxy votes with. If you set this to 0, the governance proxy will vote with the entire balance. This is useful for cases where the account that receives delegations holds a balance that you don't want to lock up in governance.

The account that receives delegations can vote with as little as 1 DOT/KSM and anyone delegated will follow suit.

Remember to set VOTE_WITH_BALANCE='' in the .env config file before starting the bot back up


  • substrate-interface==1.7.11
    • Nothing specific that the bot will benefit from, but its always good to keep up with the latest releases and not fall behind


The following library versions have been updated in requirements.txt - Although the bot doesn't use any of these methods, it is recommended you upgrade these underlying libraries anyway to mitigate any risk.

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.5...InternalGov-v2.0.6


27 Aug 08:34
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What's Changed

  • handle missing preimage when syncing if its been removed by @Nadro-J in #59
  • correcting mistake by @Nadro-J in #60

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.4...InternalGov-v2.0.5


30 Jul 18:22
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What's Changed

  • patching IndexError: list index out of range when sychronising by @Nadro-J in #57
  • set title to the title pulled from polkassembly/subsquare api by @Nadro-J in #58

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.3...InternalGov-v2.0.4


25 Jul 15:24
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Before upgrading to the latest version, please backup the following files:

  • InternalGov-2.0/
    • .env
  • InternalGov-2.0/data/
    • archived_votes.json
    • governance.cache
    • onchain-votes.json
    • vote_counts.json


Now that the People Chain is producing blocks and RPC services are being switched on. We should consider updating the .env setting
PEOPLE_WSS='' to maintain fetching the identity of a wallet if one has been set.
Available Options:

  • PEOPLE_WSS='wss://'
  • PEOPLE_WSS='wss://'
  • PEOPLE_WSS='wss://'
  • PEOPLE_WSS='wss://'

What's Changed

  • Minor patch(s) before 2.0.3 release by @Nadro-J in #56
    • Trim <index: title> to always be < 100 characters to mitigate exceeding the max length of 100.
    • initialize_environment_files() will check if the required files to run are present.
      • archived_votes.json
      • governance.cache
      • onchain-votes.json
      • vote_counts.json
    • Files removed from /data and added to .gitignore. initialize_environment_files() will handle the creation of these files on the first run.
    • Removing the decimal from DOT/USDT/USDC for easier visibility.
      • Now: 1,000
      • Was: 1,000.00
    • Fix sorting issue in index_msgid by treating indices as integers when synchronizing threads
      • Now: 1023, 1022, 1021, 1020, 999, 998, 997
      • Was: 999, 998, 997, 1023, 1022, 1021, 1020

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.2...InternalGov-v2.0.3


04 Jul 02:44
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What's Changed

  • cleanup in preparation of 2.0.2 release by @Nadro-J in #55
    • Moving synchronizing log message inside if sync_thread is not None to mitigate failure when a thread cannot be found for whatever reason. This allows sync_embed task to continue running without disrupting any of the other tasks.

    • Updated the method where if a proposal comes in and a thread gets created but the initial data doesn't get created in vote_counts.json then it will create the entry upon the first press of AYE/NAY or RECUSE from any user.

    • If a thread cannot be found when attempting to synchronize or lock after the proposal has passed/failed, use fetch_channel() and set archiving=False. This can happen when a user closes a thread or if the thread becomes inactive from lack of activity.

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.01...InternalGov-v2.0.2

v2.0.1 release

03 Jul 16:09
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What's Changed

  • Get the referendum call data from on-chain, removing the dependancy of Polkassembly/Subsquare API by @Nadro-J in #54

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v2.0.0...InternalGov-v2.0.01

v2.0.0 release

03 Jul 16:03
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This release is made before removing the dependency of getting the referendum call data from Polkassembly/Subsquare API.

What's Changed

  • proxy voting by @Nadro-J in #35
  • low balance alert + extrinsic alert by @Nadro-J in #36
  • Improved usability/functionality (see description) by @Nadro-J in #37
  • removing ephemeral by @Nadro-J in #38
  • Thread titles must be between 1 and 100 in length. by @Nadro-J in #39
  • minor bug fix by @Nadro-J in #40
  • Identity.IdentityOf data structure changed on Kusama, prepping for Polkadot. by @Nadro-J in #41
  • Adding WishForChange origin by @Nadro-J in #42
  • Changing summarizer channel to forum channel by @Nadro-J in #43
  • Exception handling on summary threads for continued notifications on the channel(s) where the internal vote took place by @Nadro-J in #44
  • New config option to turn on/off anonymous voting + folder for current & future tests by @Nadro-J in #46
  • New config option for the People chain by @Nadro-J in #48
  • bumping substrate-interface to 1.7.9 by @Nadro-J in #49
  • Minor change introducing new .env setting & changes to by @Nadro-J in #50
  • Refactoring after bumping Pillow library to 10.2.0 (Used to generate QR code for when balance gets too low) by @Nadro-J in #51
  • minor change to notify when a forcedvote has happened. by @Nadro-J in #52
  • Preparation for new call data functionality (updating /test with PoC) by @Nadro-J in #53

Full Changelog: InternalGov-v1.0.0...InternalGov-v2.0.0