😄I'm Chainer KOMISSA ZOTSU | a fullstack web developer.
I do many things like 🖥️Web application development (backend and frontend), 🖥️web design, problem solving and 📱mobile development.
😄23Y-O developer 🎓Gratuated in Computer Science at Lome Polytechnic School (Ecole Polytechnique de Lomé) - TOGO 🎓Entrepreneurial Student at Université Technologique de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) - FRANCE
👉My favorite languages are : Python, Jakarta EE (J2E), HTML/CSS/Javascript, ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS
👉I use frameworks like : Flask, ReactJS, ExpressJS, Laravel
👉My favorite tools are : Bootstrap, Git/Github/Gitlab, VS Code, Postman, Azure DevOps, Adobe Photoshop and Figma
👉I can manage : MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, PostgreSQL