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Utilities that help to create backend for react-admin. It uses type-graphql, typeorm under the hood.

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Set of helpers for React Admin
To speed up admin panel development use obrigado frontend helpers


  • Typeorm
  • Typegraphql
  • bcrypt (if you are goind to use auth )


Install package:

npm install obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils


yarn add obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils

Authorization setup

If want to use default auth

  1. Configure typeorm:
    Add path to entities:
entities: ['app/database/models/*.ts',
  1. Add path to migrations:
  migrations:[ 'app/database/migrations/*.ts',
  1. Add helpers to server config
import {
} from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils'
import { AdminDataResolver } from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils/dist/resolvers/AdminDataResolver'
import { AdminAuthResolver } from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils/dist/resolvers/AdminAuthResolver'
   const schema = await buildSchema({
        resolvers: [
            __dirname + '/graphql/resolvers/*.ts',
            __dirname + '/graphql/resolvers/admin/*.ts',
            AdminAuthResolver,AdminDataResolver //  <---
     const server = new ApolloServer({
        schema: schema,
        cors: {
            credentials: true,
            origin: function(origin, callback) {
                callback(null, true)
        context: async (session: any) => {
            return {
                user: getUserInfo(session.req),
                ...getAdministratorData(session.req), // <----
  1. Add admin user checks to auth checker
import { AuthChecker } from 'type-graphql'
import { authCheckerAdmin } from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils'

export const authChecker: AuthChecker<any> = (
    { root, args, context, info },
) => {
    // Verify admin user permissions
    if (authCheckerAdmin({ root, args, context, info }, roles)) {
        return true
    if (!context.user && !context.administrator) return false

    if (!roles || roles.length == 0) {
        return true

    return roles.includes(context.user.type)

Generating resolvers for your entities

The obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils package allows you to automatically create all necessary resolvers for React Admin with the help of createBaseCrudResolver function. It takes your GraphQL object and input types and TypeORM entity as arguments.

Let's say you want to create a User entity in your project. You will need to create an object GraphQL type (GraphQLModelClass) that will be used for information output:

import { Field, Int, ObjectType } from 'type-graphql'

export class UserGraphQL {
    @Field(type => Int)
    id: number
    @Field(type => Text)
    email: string
    @Field(type => Text, { nullable: true })
    token: string

You also need to create an input GraphQL type (GraphQLInputClass) that describes incoming data:

import { Field, InputType, Text } from 'type-graphql'

export class UserGraphQLInput {
    @Field(type => Text)
    email: string
    @Field(type => Text)
    password: string

Finally, create a TypeORM entity (TypeORMEntityClass) that describes how User is stored in your database:

import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, BaseEntity } from 'typeorm'

export class User extends BaseEntity {
    id: number
    email: string
    password: string

Now you can call createBaseCrudResolver(GraphQLModelClass, GraphQLInputClass, TypeORMEntityClass) to generate resolver class for User entity:

import { Resolver } from 'type-graphql'
import { createAdminResolver } from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils'
import { UserGraphQL } from '../graphql/UserGraphQL'
import { UserGraphQLInput } from "../graphql/UserGraphQLInput"
import { User } from '../models/UserEntity'

const UserBaseResolver == createAdminResolver(
export class _UserResolver extends UserBaseResolver {}

This will generate a resolver with following graphql mutation and queries:

  • adminUserGetList
  • adminUserGetOne
  • adminUserCreate
  • adminUserUpdate
  • adminUserUpdateMany
  • adminUserGetManyReference
  • adminUserDelete
  • adminUserDeleteMany

createAdminResolver config params

param required description
entity yes TypeOrm entity class
return yes TypeGraphQL ObjectType returned by getList,getOne,getMany
create yes TypeGraphQL InputType param for create
update no TypeGraphQL InputType param for update, if not specified create is used
name no string name part of generated method, if not specified entity name is used. Example: admin[Name]UpdateMany
updateHelperOptions no UpdateHelper options : {ignore,fileHandler}. ignore: string[] - list of fields to ignore. fileHandler - handler class for files processing

Overriding AdminResolver methods

createAdminResolver generates class with the following methods

definitions methods implementation methods
getListQuery getList
getOneQuery getOne
getManyQuery getMany
getManyReferenceQuery getManyReference
createMutation create
updateMutation update
updateManyMutation updateMany
deleteMutation delete
deleteManyMutation deleteMany

"Defenition" methods calls implementations methods with same params and contains only typegraphql decorators. So if you want to override logic override implementation methods (most of your cases):

const UserBaseResolver == createAdminResolver(
export class _UserResolver extends UserBaseResolver {
            async getList( params: GQLReactAdminListParams,  context:any){
            // your logic 

As you can see you don't need to put typegraphl decorators. If want to override method name in graphql, auth logic etc, then you need to override definition method:

 export class _UserResolver extends UserBaseResolver {
         @Query(type =>UserList, {
             name: `adminUserList`,
         async getListQuery(
             @Arg('params', type => GQLReactAdminListParams)
                 params: GQLReactAdminListParams,
             @Ctx() context:any
         ) {
             return this.getList(params,context)

if you want to alter filtering login in getList you don't need to override whole method, just override alterGetListQuery

Entities with file handling

If you want your entity to handle files as well you can pass options with File Handler to createBaseCrudResolver as a last argument.

You can find more on how to configure available File Handlers here:

Creating or re-defining resolver methods in AdminsResolvers

You can re-define existing methods in AdminAuthResolver and AdminDataResolver to implement you own authentication logic. AdminAuthResolver and AdminDataResolver have the following methods:

  • adminLogin
  • adminCheck
  • adminLogOut
  • update
  • create

By default admin is authorized by JWT token that is saved in cookies.

Roles & permissions

You can define roles and permissions in RoleConfig. Pass an array of objects containing roles and arrays with permissions to initialize it.

import {RoleConfig} from 'obrigado-react-admin-backend-utils'
const roles:Array<Role>=[
    {name: 'admin', permissions: ['create administrators', 'edit administrators']},
    {name: 'moderator', permissions: ['edit something']},
    {name: 'user', permissions: ['view something']}

If the admin's role is not specified RoleConfig will assign them the first role of the array ("amdin" role by default).

The following resolvers are available in AdminDataResolver:

  • getRoles (returns a list of all existing roles);
  • permissions (returns an array of admin's permissions);
  • role (returns admin's role).


Utilities that help to create backend for react-admin. It uses type-graphql, typeorm under the hood.






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  • TypeScript 97.3%
  • JavaScript 2.7%