This is a Python script that enables the download of music from YouTube videos in mp3 format. It then attempts to get the information about the metadata tags including the cover art.
It uses youtube-dl to get the music from the videos. It then uses the ShazamAPI to attempt to identify the song and gather the relivent tags and artwork. We then use eyed3 to modify the music tags.
The script can do individual songs or an entire playlist.
Tested on python 3.9.1 on OS X but should work on any platform that supports
the requierments listed below.
ShazamAPI (
eyed3 (
youtube-dl (
ffmpeg (
I recommend you make the script executable (chmod 755 then you can:
./ [options]
python3 [options]
-h show usage
-p <is this a playlist 0 | 1>
-d <directory for music files>
-u <url for youtube video/playlist>
python3 -p 0 -d "/Users/share/music" -u ""
*** The quotes are important ***
The ShazamAPI does its query in Russian. To change the language you must modify the The following is for US English:
File (on OSX): /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ShazamAPI/
LANG = 'en-US'
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago'
API_URL = ''
To discover the proper format for your locale you can use the Web Developer->Network inspection capability in Firefox (Safari has one too, not sure about other browsers) and watch the query made on Shazam's website.
If the script fails to download the video's music, make sure you have updated to the latest version of youtube-dl