Current version: v3.0.4 (24/01/2022)
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** Indicates that it has two values for both the dark and light themes of Discord. Instead of using :root
, use .theme-dark
or .theme-light
- The value that controls the saturation for the entire ui, including buttons. Default:0.31
- The value that controls the lightness for the entire ui, including buttons. Default:0.225
- The value that controls the text lightness. Default:1.0
- The value that controls the darkness for the entire ui, excluding buttons and is ONLY for the dark theme. Default:1.0
- The font used throughout the entire theme. The font must either be installed or imported. Default:"Google Sans"
- The background for the entire Discord app. Default:var(--main-alt)
- The background color for main content areas like in the settings menu. Default:hsl(225,8%,9%)
- An alternative background color for main content areas. Default:hsl(220,9%,6%)
- The background color for the servers list. Default:transparent
- The background color for the status area with the settings button. Default:hsl(228,5%,18%)
- The background color for the sidebar panels in the channels list. Default:hsl(228,7%,14%)
- The background color the main chat area. Default:var(--main-color)
- The border radius of avatars and servers. Default:24px
- The background color for tooltips. Default:hsl(0,0%,38%,0.9)
- The text color for tooltips. Default:hsl(0,0%,87%)
- The box shadow for tooltips. Default:0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)
- The hue value for the accent color of the theme. Default:224
- The saturation percentage for the accent color of the theme. Default:71%
- The lightness percentage for the accent color of the theme. Default:61%
- The text color for buttons and other various elements with the accent background color. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%)
- The hue value for various elements that use the alert color. Default:0
- The saturation percentage for various elements that use the alert color. Default:85%
- The lightness percentage for various elements that use the alert color. Default:61%
- The text color for various elements with the alert background color. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%)
- The hue value for various elements that use the warning color. Default:44
- The saturation percentage for various elements that use the warning color. Default:71%
- The lightness percentage for various elements that use the warning color. Default:61%
- The text color for various elements with the warning background color. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%)
- The background color for message bubbles. Default:hsl(216,7%,14%)
- The hover background color for message bubbles. Default:hsl(216,7%,18%)
- An alternative background color for message bubbles in areas like pinned messages. Default:hsl(216,7%,13%)
- The border radius for the message bubbles. Default:19px
- The top and bottom padding of message bubbles. Default:8px
- The side padding of message bubbles. Default:12px
- The border radius for images, videos, and audio. Default:19px
- The background color for all attachments. Default:hsl(216,7%,9%)
- The background color for the main chat text box. Default:hsl(240,4%,16%)
- An alternative background color for the main chat text box. Default:hsl(240,2%,22%)
- The border color for the main chat text box. Default:hsl(0,0%,29%)
- The border radius for the main chat text box. Default:24px
- The background color for popout menus and modals. Default:hsl(214,7%,19%)
- An alternative background color for popout menus and modals. Default:hsl(216,7%,14%)
- The border color for popout menu headers. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%,0.125)
- The background color for the separator lines in various popout menus. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%,0.125)
- The border radius for popout menus. Default:8px
- The bigger border radius for modals. Default:18px
- The background color for cards. Default:hsl(225,6%,13%)
- The background color for hovering over cards. Default:hsl(225,6%,16%)
- The background color for active cards. Default:hsl(225,6%,25%)
- An background color for cards. Default:hsl(225,6%,18%)
- An background color for hovering over cards. Default:hsl(225,6%,21%)
- The border color for outlined cards. Defaulthsl(220,3%,26%)
- The text color for card headers. Default:hsl(0,0%,93%)
- The border radius for cards. Default:8px
- The bigger border radius for cards. Default:18px
- The height for buttons. Default:36px
- The left and right padding for buttons. Default:0 24px
- The border radius for buttons. Default:18px
- The background color for transparent buttons. Default:0,0%,100%
- The text color for transparent buttons. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%)
- The background color for the knob on switches. Default:hsl(0,0%,47%)
- The background color for the background slider on switches. Default:hsl(240,1%,20%)
- The background color for text fields that don't have the animated border. Default:hsl(0,0%,89%)
- The alternate background color for text fields that don't have the animated border. Default:hsl(0,0%,100%)
- The border color for text fields. Default:hsl(0,0%,66%)
- The text color for text fields. Default:hsl(0,0%,17%)
- The placeholder text color for text fields. Default:hsl(0,0%,39%)
- The color of the ripple effect. Default:0,100%,100%
- The background color for scrollbars. Default:255,255,255