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Dictionnaire limbu
Fichier dicoLimbu04.xml :
SYSTEM "dicoLimbu.dtd">
<entry id="a_1">
<pron type="headword">a</pron></form>
<pos class="misc">bound element</pos></gramGrp>
<ptr type="cfin" target="abhe">abhe</ptr>
<ptr type="cfin" target="akkhe">akkhe</ptr>
<ptr type="cfin" target="asa3t">asaːt</ptr>
<ptr type="cfin" target="atti">atti</ptr>
<note type="rem">only <foreign xml:lang="x-sil-LIF">abhe</foreign> is possibly related to a form without <foreign xml:lang="x-sil-LIF">#a-i</foreign></note></xr></entry>
<entry id="a_2">
<pron type="headword">a</pron></form>
<pos class="misc">pron prefix</pos></gramGrp>
<q>iŋga a-dzumm-ɛn yo yaːktɛ</q>
<tr>my friend stayed down below</tr></trans>
<xptr target="tr119">tr119</xptr></eg></sense></entry>
<entry id="a_3">
<pron type="headword">a</pron></form>
<pos class="misc">sentence particle</pos></gramGrp>
<def>[expresses reassurance, encourages an answer]</def>
<q>nurik coguŋ piniŋ a</q>
<tr>I'll do a good job for you [P], don't worry</tr></trans>
<link xlink:href="&host;/archives/Nepal/Limbu/SOGHA.xml#xpointer(/TEXT/S[115])">so115</link></eg>
<q>mɛːn! atti-n kɛ-buru a?</q>
<tr>no! which one did you give it to?</tr></trans>
<link xlink:href="&host;/archives/Nepal/Limbu/SOGHA.xml#xpointer(/TEXT/S[213])">so213</link></eg>
<q>kɛn-gisin a khɛni ɛmbhɛllɛ</q>
<tr>you [P] were not afraid then, you see</tr></trans>
<link xlink:href="&host;/archives/Nepal/Limbu/DANCE.xml#xpointer(/TEXT/S[233])">dan233</link></eg</sense></entry>
<entry id="a_b">
<pron type="headword">a</pron>
<pron type="neg">an</pron></form>
<pos class="vprefix">vprefix</pos></gramGrp>
<def>1pl inclusive (or 1ps neutralized)</def></sense>
<ptr type="cfin" target="agE">agɛ</ptr>
<ptr type="cfin" target="am">am</ptr>
<note type="comm">note neg. form aŋgɛn</note></xr></entry>
<entry id="a_c">
<pron type="headword">a</pron></form>
<pos class="misc">suffix, cop</pos></gramGrp>
<def>[1sg copula with nominal predicates]</def></sense></entry>
index.html renvoie directement vers liste.htm pour la liste alphabétique des mots affichée sur la gauche de la page, et dico.htm pour les mots de la page qui s’affichent comme suit :
bound element
occurs in: abhe, akkhe, asaːt, atti
pron prefix
· iŋga a-dzumm-ɛn yo yaːktɛ — my friend stayed down below
sentence particle
[expresses reassurance, encourages an answer].
· nurik coguŋ piniŋ a — I’ll do a good job for you [P], don’t worry (so115)
· mɛːn! atti-n kɛ-buru a? — no! which one did you give it to? (so213)
· kɛn-gisin a khɛni ɛmbhɛllɛ — you [P] were not afraid then, you see (dan233)
suffix, cop
[1sg copula with nominal predicates].
negative: an.
1pl inclusive (or 1ps neutralized).
occurs in: agɛ, am (note neg. form aŋgɛn)
Le contenu de dico_ok.htm est le suivant :
<A name="a_1"></A><span class="phonetic">a</span></DT>
<span class="littleItal">bound element</span></div>
<div> [interrogative]. </div></div>
<span class="littleItal"> occurs in: </span><a class="phonetic" href="#abhe">abhe</a>, <a class="phonetic" href="#akkhe">akkhe</a>, <a class="phonetic" href="#asa3t">asaːt</a>, <a class="phonetic" href="#atti">atti</a></div></DD>
<A name="a_2"></A><span class="phonetic">a</span></DT>
<span class="littleItal">pron prefix</span></div>
<div> my. </div>
<div> · <span class="phonetic">iŋga a-dzumm-ɛn yo yaːktɛ</span><span class="normal"> — my friend stayed down below</span></div></div></DD>
<A name="a_3"></A><span class="phonetic">a</span></DT>
<span class="littleItal">sentence particle</span></div>
<div> [expresses reassurance, encourages an answer]. </div>
<div> · <span class="phonetic">nurik coguŋ piniŋ a</span><span class="normal"> — I'll do a good job for you [P], don't worry</span> <!--(<a target="_blank" href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=SOGHAs115&id_sound=crdo-LIF_SOGHA_SOUND" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)-->
<!--(<a target="_blank" href="annotations/crdo-LIF_SOGHA.xml">so115</a>)-->
<!--(<a href="../tools/show_ex.php?id=crdo-LIF_SOGHA_SOUND&s=115" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)-->
(<a href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=SOGHAs115&id_sound=crdo-LIF_SOGHA_SOUND" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)
<!--(<a href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=SOGHAs115&id_sound=crdo-LIF_SOGHA_SOUND" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)-->
<!--(<a href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=SOGHAs115&file_audio=audio/DEPOT_SOGHA_22km.wav&file_xml=annotations/crdo-LIF_SOGHA.xml" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)-->
<!--(<a href="audio/DEPOT_SOGHA_22km.wav" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so115</a>)--></div>
<div> · <span class="phonetic">mɛːn! atti-n kɛ-buru a?</span><span class="normal"> — no! which one did you give it to?</span> (<a target="_blank" href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=SOGHAs213&id_sound=crdo-LIF_SOGHA_SOUND" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">so213</a>)</div>
<div> · <span class="phonetic">kɛn-gisin a khɛni ɛmbhɛllɛ</span><span class="normal"> — you [P] were not afraid then, you see</span> (<a target="_blank" href="media-cut_plus.php?num_s=DANCEs233&id_sound=crdo-LIF_DANCE_SOUND" onClick="window.open(this.href,'popupLink','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes',1);return false">dan233</a>)</div></div></DD>
<A name="a_c"></A><span class="phonetic">a</span></DT>
<span class="littleItal">suffix, cop</span></div>
<div> [1sg copula with nominal predicates]. </div></div></DD>
<A name="a_b"></A><span class="phonetic">a</span></DT>
<span class="littleItal"> negative: </span><span class="phonetic">an</span>.</div>
<span class="littleItal">vprefix</span></div>
<div> 1pl inclusive (or 1ps neutralized). </div></div>
<span class="littleItal"> occurs in: </span><a class="phonetic" href="#agf">agɛ</a>, <a class="phonetic" href="#am">am</a> (note neg. form aŋgɛn) </div></DD>
Exemple de la première phrase de annotations/crdo-LIF_DANCE.xml (liée à audio/DEPOT_DANCE_44k.mp3 ?) :
<TEXT xmlns="http://crdo.risc.fr/schemas/annotation" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://crdo.risc.fr/schemas/annotation http://purl.oclc.org/NET/crdo/schemas/archive.xsd" id="crdo-LIF_DANCE" xml:lang="x-sil-lif">
<HEADER><TITLE xml:lang="en">Paddy-dancing — a conversation</TITLE>
<TITLE xml:lang="fr">La danse du padi — une conversation</TITLE>
<SOUNDFILE href="Nepal/Limbu/DANCE.mp3"/></HEADER>
<S xml:lang="x-sil-lif" id="DANCEs1" who="H"><AUDIO start="7.8200" end="15.0000"/>
<FORM kindOf="phono">narəd lɛ attiatti kɛyuŋma kɛmɛnchiahaˀ mɛwayɛ?</FORM>
<TRANSL xml:lang="en">Narad, where were your various woman-friends from?</TRANSL>
<W><M xml:lang="ne"><FORM kindOf="phono">narəd</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">Narad</TRANSL></M>
<M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">lɛ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">GEN</TRANSL></M></W>
<W><M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">atti</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">where</TRANSL></M>
<M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">atti</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">where</TRANSL></M></W>
<W><M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">kɛ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">ACT</TRANSL></M>
<M class="v" sclass="prstem"><FORM kindOf="phono">yuŋ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">stay.S1</TRANSL></M>
<M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">ma</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">INF</TRANSL></M></W>
<W><M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">kɛ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">ACT</TRANSL></M>
<M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">mɛnchia</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">woman</TRANSL></M>
<M class="misc"><FORM kindOf="phono">haˀ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">PL</TRANSL></M></W>
<W><M class="vprefix"><FORM kindOf="phono">mɛ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">3PL</TRANSL></M>
<M class="v" sclass="pastem"><FORM kindOf="phono">way</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">be.S2</TRANSL></M>
<M class="vsuffix"><FORM kindOf="phono">ɛ</FORM><TRANSL xml:lang="en">PA</TRANSL></M></W></S>
Les exemples qui suivent sont tous tirés de l’article JACMICv4.pdf.
.lim tumba
poss kundumba
fem tumma
dial libang
ps n
edf *elder, eldest *brother of a sib; elder *uncle or *aunt ;(father’s elder brother, mother’s elder sister, or their
sem par
par FeB
par MeZH
cfetym tumma%2
lexx tumba
tumba poss: kundumba. fem: tumma. n, elder, eldest brother of a sib; elder uncle or aunt
(father’s elder brother, mother’s elder sister, or their spouses). etym: tumma2.
<entry> : main entry
<form>: spoken and morphophonemic forms; orthography if available.
<usg>: usage: dialect, level of language, etc.
<gramGrp>: grammatical information (part of speech, etc.)
<sense>: definitions, keys for inverting the dictionary, example sentences (?or references thereto),
encyclopedic information, certain semantic categories...
<xr>: Internal and external references.
<entry id="tumba">
<phon type="headword">tumba</phon>
<phon type="poss">ndumba</phon>
<phon type="fem">tumma</phon></form>
<def>elder, eldest brother of a sib; elder uncle (father's elder
brother, mother's elder sister's husband)</def>
<def type="par">FeB</def>
<def type="par">MeZH</def></sense>
<ptr type="cfetym" target="tumma_2">tumma</ptr>
<xptr type="lexx" target="Y">tumba</xptr></xr></entry>
<entry id="---">: id is a unique identifier which can be pointed to by an idref (see below).
<phon type="poss">: allomorph appearing with a possessive prefix.
<invertkey>: the key under which the definition appears in the English index.
<sem>: semantic class, a limited inventory for certain domains only.
<def type="par">: a kinship code; type="binom" : a Linnaean binomial, etc.
<ptr>: cross-reference to another entry in the dictionary.
type="cfetym" : an etymological reference (here to a verb 'to be mature').
target in this element is defined as an idref in the DTD;
this means that its value must correspond to the id attribute of an <entry> or parsing will fail.
<xptr>: reference to an external item, in this case a printed document. The relevant material, which is an headword in a
printed, non-XML dictionary, cannot be linked to, so it is entered as the content of the element.
type="lexx": indicates that the reference is to a printed dictionary
target="Y": identifies the referenced dictionary.
cumma (√cups-) vi, to assemble (intr.), to gather. • anigÀ kak cupsigÀ-aÑ cum-dzum
cumluÑ cogigÀ – wepe all gathered and had a council among friends. fam: cups-/sups-.
in: cum, cumluÑ.
<entry id="cumma">
<phon type="headword">cumma</phon>
<phon type="root">cups-</phon>
<phon type="prstem">cum</phon>
<phon type="pastem">cups</phon></form>
<pos class="v">vi</pos></gramGrp>
<def>to assemble (intr.), to gather</def>
<q>anigɛ kak cupsigɛ-aŋ cum-dzum cumluŋ cogigɛ</q>
<tr> we [PE] all gathered and had a council
among friends</tr></trans>
<xptr target="oai:lacito:LIM:TRADE" path="//s[345]"/></eg></sense>
<wordFamily type="cfv" family="cups-/sups-"/>
<ptr type="cfin" target="cum">cum</ptr>
<ptr type="cfin" target="cumluN">cumluŋ</ptr></xr></entry>
<phon type="root">: an internally constructed morphophonemic root form (the headword is the infinitive).
<phon type="prstem">: a verb stem allomorph.
<eg>: illustrative example, including the citation <q>, translation <tr> and source <xptr>.
<xptr> : external reference to the source of the illustrative example. In this case, the reference is to parsable
(that is, XML-coded) data, namely a text in the LACITO archive, here identified by its Open Archive Initiative
identifier. (In fact the particular text linked to in this example is not yet catalogued, so please don't look for it.)
This pointer will be converted to a link from the dictionary entry to the corpus.
<wordFamily>: a word-family of roots to which the entry belongs.
<ptr type="cfin">: cross-reference to the id of another entry derived from or containing the current entry.
ku-mba, ku-ndumba-haÐ mÀ(dzups)À.
<S id="toto4">
<FORM>kumba, kundumbahaˀ mɛdzupsɛ</FORM>
<TRANSL xml:lang="en">His father and his uncles gathered.</TRANSL>
<AUDIO start="15.9840" end="17.5031"/>
<M type="vprefix"><FORM>mɛ</FORM></M>
<M type="pastem"<FORM>>cups</FORM></M>
<M type="vsuffix"><FORM>ɛ</FORM></M></W></S>