Motor8 fork from FreakyEngine
List of team members
Daniel Berrio:
Github Account: Onnda
Salvador Bernades:
- Github Account: SalvaBernades
Justo Tiscornia:
- Github Account: Jusstox
How to use the engine
Right click - Rotate the camera Right click + AWSD - Fps camera movement Right click + E - Up the camera Right click + Q - Down the camera Right click + Shift + AWSD - fast fps camera movement Right click + Alt - Orbit selected object F - Focus on the selected object C - Change camera 1 - Spawn Triangle to mouse position 2 - Spawn Square to mouse position 3 - Spawn Cube to mouse position
Additional feature
Left Click - Select object on the scene
NOTES The baker house is not in the resource folder in order to initialize correctly. We had problems with the rotation transform, so we tried hard but didn't be able to achieve it. Scene saving and loading has been tried and tried multiple times, we also tried to copy it from partners so we weren't able to achieve it by our own but external errors appeared and we decided to delete those features. For not loading the whole city you can comment line 519 from main.cpp so you can test better the other features.