This microservice is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
This microservice records information about new files and new objects that have been ingested into the Merritt Preservation System. Information is recorded into the Merritt Inventory Database (MySQL).
The work performed by this service is driven from a Zookeeper Queue.
This service also provides an API to resolve local identifiers submitted with Merritt content.
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph TD
click ING href "" "source code"
click ST href "" "source code"
ZOOINV>Zookeeper Inventory]
click ZOOINV href "" "source code"
click INV href "" "source code"
RDS[(Inventory DB)]
subgraph flowchart
ING --> |Local Id Request| INV
ZOOINV --> |acquire task| INV
INV --> |retrieve manifest| ST
ST --> |manifest file| INV
style RDS fill:#F68D2F
style ZOOINV fill:cyan
style INV stroke:red,stroke-width:4px
This code depends on the following Merritt Libraries.
This code is not intended to be run apart from the Merritt Preservation System.
See Merritt Docker for a description of how to build a test instnce of Merritt.
This code is deployed as a war file. The war file is built on a Jenkins server.