Nusatawan is designed to provide a responsive and interactive user experience. The project is built using modern technologies to ensure optimal performance and ease of code management.
This project is a web application designed for the purpose of users finding suitable tourist destinations, but also contributing to the economic and environmental sustainability of these tourist destinations. Built with React for the user interface
The project is divided into two parts:
But this repository is referring only to the Frontend part. Frontend need the Backend to be running to work.
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: [Git] ( [Node.js] ( In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like [VSCode] (
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Access the project folder in your terminal
$ cd nusatawan-front-end
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the application in development mode
$ npm run dev
# The application will open on the port: 3000 - go to http://localhost:3000
The following tools were used in the construction of the project:
Platform React
- React Router Dom
- React Icons
- Axios
- React Lazy Load Image
- React Slick
- Typed js
- Eslint
- Tailwind CSS
- Slick Carousel
See the file package.json