Ensuring that all your plants are consistently watered is actually pretty difficult. Water My Plants is an app that helps to solve those problems. Ensuring that all your plants are consistently watered is actually pretty difficult. Water My Plants is an app that helps to solve those problems.
✨ Demo
- node 14.16.0
- npm 6.14.11
npm install
npm run start
npm run test
👤 Stone Cogswell
- Website: https://portfolio-website-6di4xzboh.vercel.app/
- Github: @CogsCode98
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[Endpoints] Base URL: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api
- This url will be the beginning of all endpoints. Add the following endpoints below to the base URL.
No token is required when registering
Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/auth/register
[POST] [Register] - Register a new user
- Endpoint: /auth/register
"user_username" - string, unique (MUST not match any other registered username), REQUIRED
"user_password" - string, REQUIRED
"user_phone_number" - number, REQUIRED
Token required for login
Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/auth/login
[POST] [Login] - Login an already registered user to receive a token
- Endpoint: /auth/login
"user_username" - string, MUST match a registered username, REQUIRED
"user_password" - string, MUST match a registered password with registered username, REQUIRED
Token required for seeing users
[GET] [FindAllUsers] - Finds all users
- Endpoint: /users
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/users
[GET] [FindUserById] - Find a registered user by assigned user ID
- Endpoint: /users/:user_id
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/users/1
Token required for seeing plants
[GET] [FindAllPlants] - Finds all plants
- Endpoint: /plants
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants
[GET] [FindPlantById] - Find a specific plant by its assigned plant ID
- Endpoint: /plants/:plant_id
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants/1
[GET] [FindPlantsByUserId] - Find a user's plants by their assigned user ID
- Endpoint: /plants/user/:user_id
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants/user/1
[POST] [AddPlants] - Create a new user plant.
- Endpoint: /plants
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants
[PUT] [AddPlants] - Update an existing user's plant.
- Endpoint: /plants/:plant_id
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants/1
[DELETE] [RemovePlantById] - Remove a user's plant by their assigned plant ID
- Endpoint: /plant/:plant_id
- Example: https://water-my-plants-back-end.herokuapp.com/api/plants/1