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Meeting 2017 07 12 (Data Metadata)

Elli Mylonas edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 1 revision

TTWR Data and Metadata discussion

The TTWR project is an independent project built as a separate website in Django, but draws its data (images) and metadata (MODS) from the BDR using the BDR API.

In addition to using BDR metadata, the project creates new metadata at the page level for books and prints that are in the BDR. This takes the form of related MODS objects that are associated with an existing BDR object such as a page, or a print.

In the system we also create new information about people who are related to the books and pages, and write biographies for them. These people often overlap the people mentioned in the BDR cataloging MODS record.

This summer, as in other summers, the faculty member who owns this project, Evie Lincoln (Art History) is working intensively on the project. She has indicated a number of issues that she finds problematic in working on the project. Some of these are related to the TTWR project (CDS problems), some derive from metadata issues, and some are BDR related. I'd like to try and find a way to reduce pain points for all those involved. Attempt at categorization follows:

BDR metadata (partial list)

Many of these materials are not part of the Brown collection, so metadata has been added by Ann C/her team, often by finding a record elsewhere. Evie finds that these are not accurate or have small details that aren't accurate.

  • It would be great if we could work on a way to have her submit what she considers proper cataloging as an object is going into the BDR if it's a TTWR item. Involving her some way (and documenting the involvement) would throw more responsibility on her.
  • There are existing records that may have typos or other infelicities. Ann has set up a spreadsheet in which Evie notes BDR objects and desired corrections. However, Ann is very busy. Can we set up a way to work on these on a regular basis, perhaps by delegating to Christiane, to make progress. This has worked well in the past. [I suggest weekly for the next 2 weeks, with a followup meeting with Evie and me) and then biweekly. We anticipate that there will be some larger issues that would need more discussion.
  • Volume numbers - Some of the multivolume books are either catalogued without volume numbers or with volume numbers that aren't numbers (Primo, Secundo, Terzio, Quattro (sp)) so they don't sort properly.
  • Inconsistent metadata has odd results sometimes - one book was given two genres -- etchings(print) and book which causes it to appear as a print, not a book.
  • Authorities, for ex. ULAN names.

BDR data

Some prints have been photographed with only one image and some with front/back or two almost identical copies of the front. This latter is strange, and would ideally not appear. The latter is an inconsistency. It would be great to only have one image, but if for some reason the BDR wants two, TTWR would like to only show one in the image viewer.

Annotation MODS and metadata interactions

We want to be able to blend people and roles between the TTWR MODS and the BDR MODS.