Inspired by rC3, we decided to create a virtual representation of Bordel Hackerspace in WorkAdventure.
Virtual Bordel can serve for meeting members without being physically in Prague, hosting online events and parties. It cointains few hidden easter eggs and memes, find them all and have fun in our online chillzone!
You can enter WorkAdventure Bordel space here. Hosting own WorkAdventure instance is opened to discussion.
Don't hesitate to help us with improving virtual Bordel! Cleaning, adding new details, creating tiles or designing new parts of Paralelní Polis are strongly welcomed. In order to edit the map for WorkAdventure, you need:
- the Tiled editor software
to fetch current version of the map and push your changes
Start by cloning the map. Simply clone the map to your computer using your preferred tool.
For example git clone
The map is currently in the file map.json
You can load this file in Tiled.
Now, it's up to you to edit the map.
Some usefull resources:
When your changes are ready, create commit and create pull request to this repo. After reviewing and accepting the request, it will be propagated to the GitHub pages web-server.