BridgeMoose is a Python library for analyzing hands in the card game, Bridge, making heavy use of Bo Haglund and Soren Hein's double-dummy solver code.
Use python's installer.
python install
import bridgemoose as bm
from collections import Counter
count = Counter()
for deal in bm.random_deals(100, north=lambda hand: hand.ns >= 7):
count[dds.solve_deal(deal, "N", "S")] += 1
print("100 Hands with 7+ spades as declarer take this many tricks:", count)
For reasons that are mysterious to me, Python's uses one method to clear up memory, and the C++ library uses a different method, and the result is that on some systems you get a Segmentation Fault when exiting a program that used BridgeMoose. So far as anyone can tell it is harmless.
This code would have been impossible without Bo Haglund / Soren Hein's outstanding open source double-dummy solver