Code for Tonkin Lab data
- File to montage
- Output path to save montage to
- Ch1-5 colours, false colour for each channel
- ROI Size - Side length of roi to montage
- Add scale bar
- Length of scale bar
- Input file (ignored if batch is selected)
- Output path - where to put results
- Width of "edge" - how many micron to step output edge in from edge of detected region
- Expand boundary from paraistes - Segmentation is done by thresholding parasite channel, edge of the vacuole is defined by expanding this area
- Get radial distribution - measure (and save) actual intensity distribution normalised from edge to centre
- Display graph - show radial distribution on screen
- Batch - Batch a directory instead of an individual file, will prompt for directory
- Allow multiple rois
- Print results on mask image - Prints the results on the mask image
- Parasite Masking Channel - Parasite channel for segmentation
- Measurement Channel - channel to be measured
- Classic - will do the above
- Annotate - Will open each image and allow annotation, will skip file if there's already an annotation
- Analyse - Will open each image that has an associated annotation and perform analysis