Social network for the BioASQ project.
git clone
the repostitory- install server dependencies:
npm install
- ensure MongoDB is running
- import demo data (this will remove existing data!):
node ./server/scripts/import.js
-- start the backend
- resource can be:
- User
- Question
- Comment
- Activity
- do we need annotations in the social network
register, login, logout
list of recent activity (timeline)
GET /activities
array of questions
GET /questions
a particular question
GET /questions/:id
array of comments on a question
GET /questions/:id/comments
array of followers to a question
GET /questions/:id/followers
adding a comment to a question
POST /questions/:id/comments
- JSON data: { creator: @userID, content: @content }
follow a question
POST /questions/:id/followers
- JSON data: { creator: @userID }
unfollow a question
DELETE /questions/:id/followers/:followerID
a particular user
GET /users/:id
array of followers of a user
GET /users/:id/followers
array of resources a user follows
GET /users/:id/following
array of comments a user has written
GET /users/:id/comments
follow a user
POST /users/:id/followers
- JSON data: { creator: @followerID, about: userID }
unfollow a user
DELETE /users/:id/followers/:followerID
get array of all messages for current user
GET /messages
get array of messages with a user (to and from)
GET /messages/user/:id
write a message to a user
POST /messages
- JSON data: see above
post a message update (i.e. read state)
POST /messages/:id
- JSON data: { read: true }, and/or other changed values
vote on a Question
POST /votes
- JSON data: { creator: @userID, about: @questionID, direction: 'up|down' }
Mime type for
Comments have the following format:
{ @id: "", @type: "Comment", about: "<resource URI>", title: "Comment title", created: "2013-04-16T10:19", content: "Comment text", creator: "<user name>", reply_of: "<parent comment>" }
Users have the following format:
{ @id: "", @type: "User", email: "[email protected]", first_name: "Frank", last_name: "Foster", container: <user container> }
Messages have the following format:
{ @id: "", @type: "Message", creator: "<user ID>", to: "<receipient ID>", created: "2013-04-16T10:19", title: "Comment title", content: "Message text", reply_of: "<ID of parent message>", read: "true|false" }
Questions have the following format:
{ @id: "", @type: "Question", body: "Question body", creator: "not shown", created: "2013-03-11T09:21", modified: "2013-03-12T08:46", qtype: "decisive|factoid|list|summary", answer: { body: "Answer body", annotations: ["<not shure if annotations are shown in SN>"] } }
Follows have the following format:
{ type: "Follow", creator: "<user ID>", about: "<ID of resource followed>", created: "2013-04-16T10:19Z" }
Votes have the following format:
{ type: "Vote", creator: "<user ID>", about: "<ID of resource followed>", created: "2013-04-16T10:19Z" direction: 'up|down' }