A discord bot built in python, on the discord API
- Project description
- Todo
- Requirements
- Installation
- Testrun
- Issue tracker
- Code conventions
- Contribution
- Citing
- Contact
- Changelog
This project is going to be an automated Discord bot that can respond to members of a server.
A member will type a command in a channel and recieve a responce from the bot.
Functions will include a rock-paper-scissors game that keeps track of the score as well as a scoreboard.
Other functions will be to play 8ball or maybe even music. The prefix used to activate the bot will default to ?
but anyone with access to the code will be able to change it.
Note: Code will have to be adapted, for example every bot has a unique token.
Strings that requre additonal information are surrounded by two angle brackets << >>
information can be found in the Discord developer portal.
Here is a UML diagram of the class used in this project, you can find it in the user.py
- Store user information
- Rock-paper-scissors
- 8ball
- Dice
- Message history
- Scoreboard
- Play music
- python 3.5+
- discord.py module
- requests module
The latest versoin of Python is available here.
To install the discord.py
package in the command prompt using the command pip install discord.py
For a guidde on the installation, click here.
Note that discord.py only works with Python 3.5+.
For the requests package, type pip install requests
into your command prompt.
To create your own bot, first you need to create an application in the developer portal.
Beep. Boop. . Bot is Ready
Discord channel:
>>> ?commands
dice + sides (optional) --> roll a die
8ball + question --> ask the magic 8ball a question
rps + choice --> play rock-paper-sissors against the bot
log --> log the last 50 messages in chat
hist + ammount --> show your fist messages
>>> ? rps rock
>>> ?dice
>>> ?8ball Will it rain today?
Most likely
--> Adding member: not automatedmain.py
--> Does not permanently store users- music requres module, not an API
- sometimes adding people doesn't work (above my pay grade)
Code is split up in to different files, by order of functions, for easier interaction and to facilitate contributions.
Commenting: 1-line comments are written above the code line to explain its purpose.
Naming: All files use snake_case for variable names as in standard PEP8.
This is a scool project and it will get a faling grade if someone other than me (the creator). After the grading, pull requests will gladly be accepted and new features would be appreciated.
Paste this text into the top of your main file:
"All or part of this project uses code that was written by Bern4rdR
Repository: https://github.com/Bern4rdR/DiscordBot"
Author: Bernard R [Bern4rdR]
Mail: [email protected]
Discord: BernHard#6216
- Manualy add a user through the bot
- MINIGAME: Rock paper sissors
- MINIGAME: dice
- MINIGAME: magic 8ball
- RPS not running if it creats new user
- FEATURE: log the last 50 messages
- FEATURE: recieve your first messages
- FEATURE: help command
- Can now add user trough command