Your starting point is
You will write functions and add them to The program takes one or more directories as its arguments. We'll say that a "special" file is one where the name contains the pattern __w__
somewhere, where the w is one or more word chars. The provided main() includes code to parse the command line arguments, but the rest is up to you. Write functions to implement the features below and modify main() to call your functions.
Suggested functions for your solution(details below):
- get_special_paths(dir) -- returns a list of the absolute paths of the special files in the given directory
- copy_to(paths, dir) given a list of paths, copies those files into the given directory
- zip_to(paths, zippath) given a list of paths, zip those files up into the given zipfile
Gather a list of the absolute paths of the special files in all the directories. In the simplest case, just print that list (here the "." after the command is a single argument indicating the current directory). Print one absolute path per line.
$ ./ .
We'll assume that names are not repeated across the directories (optional: check that assumption and error out if it's violated).
If the "--todir dir" option is present at the start of the command line, do not print anything. Instead, copy the files to the given directory, creating it if necessary. Use the python module shutil
for file copying.
$ ./ --todir /tmp/fooby .
$ ls /tmp/fooby
xyz__hello__.txt zz__something__.jpg
If the "--tozip zipfile" option is present at the start of the command line, run this command: "zip -j zipfile ". This will create a zipfile containing the files. Just for fun/reassurance, also print the command line you are going to do first (as shown in lecture). (Windows note: windows does not come with a program to produce standard .zip archives by default, but you can get download the free and open zip program
$ ./ --tozip .
Command I'm going to do:
zip -j /Users/piero/Documents/github/kenzie/backend-copy-special-assessment/xyz__hello__.txt /Users/piero/Documents/github/kenzie/backend-copy-special-assessment/zz__something__.jpg
If the child process exits with an error code, exit with an error code and print the command's output. Test this by trying to write a zip file to a directory that does not exist.
$ ./ --tozip /no/ .
Command I'm going to do:
zip -j /no/ /Users/piero/Documents/github/kenzie/backend-copy-special-assessment/xyz__hello__.txt /Users/piero/Documents/github/kenzie/backend-copy-special-assessment/zz__something__.jpg
zip I/O error: No such file or directory
zip error: Could not create output file (/no/
- Your code style should be able to pass a PEP8 test
- Indents are 4 SPACES (not 2)
- Variable names in snake_case