From kicking and banning people to giving roles for specific amounts of time, this Discord bot can be helpful for anyone who wants to learn how to make a discord.js bot, I made this so new users can also look at the methods used for certain commands and get some ideas for their Discord bot.
- You will need FFmpeg for the play, stop and skip commands, as ytdl-core package needs ffmpeg or it will not work.
- Make a folder and git clone this repository:
- Then type "npm install" to get the needed packages for the bot
- in The Examples folder, the ConfigSammy, ConfigJack and ConfigBen, are not needed, i use the files and steam totp to get my 2FA Code for each account
NOTE: ignore the [ ] that just shows what should be there when entering the command
ping - to get a simple pong response
memes - This gets a random meme from Reddit, but there is alot of duplicates
images [SEARCH TERM] - This gets a random image everytime based upon the search results
codes - gets my steam authenticator codes you can get your if you know how to
userinfo [@NAME] - This shows the authors profile info, it will also show the mentioned persons info
float [INSPECT URL] - This gets the float for the given inspect link
invite - this is a basic embed made that shows the user the Perm invite i made then put in the code
timer [1s/1m/1h] - To start a timer for the given amount of time
coin - This will flip a coin that can either get heads or tales
8ball [QUESTION] - This will get a random answer for the question asked
embed - to show an example embed used for testing the positioning of the text
notice - This is a basic command that shows how to reply to the person who used the command
highlight [ANYTHING] This will make it look like the bot said
speak [ANYTIHNG] - This will Make it look like the bot said
crosshair - a simple embed that i put my CS:GO crosshair settings into
test - this shows an example embed that shows collums vertically
commands - this will show all the available commands to use for the bot
rules - this shows the rules of the server
roles - shows the roles of the server
viewmodel - a simple embed that i put my CS:GO viewmodel settings into
help - this will show help from the bot
fortnite [USERNAME] [pc/xbl/psn] - to get fortnite stats of the requested player
csgo [STEAMID64/CUSTOM STEAM URL] - to get certain csgo stats of the requested player
avatar [MENTION] - gets the profile pic of the mentioned person if noone is mentiond it gets the authors
xp [@NAME] - this shows the users current XP ammount or the authors if not mentioned
messages [@NAME] - this shows the users current messages sent or the authors if not mentioned
dadjoke - get a random awful dad joke that will make you cringe
NOTE: ignore the [ ] that just shows what should be there when entering the command
play [YOUTUBE URL] - This adds and plays the youtube video in discord
playlist [YOUTUBE URL] - This plays a youtube playlist in discord
prefix [NEW PREFIX] - This changes the prefix for the server
np - This shows the currently playing song
stop - This instantly stops and disconnects the bot
fuckoff - This instantly stops and disconnects the bot
skip - this skips the currently playing song
NOTE: ignore the [ ] that just shows what should be there when entering the command
addrole [@NAME] [ROLE] [LENGTH] - This adds the role of the mentioned person for certain time
removerole [@NAME] [ROLE] - This removes the role mentioned from the person mentioned
dev - This is just a simple reply to the user
rename [NAME] - This renames the bot to whatever "name" is
kick [@NAME] - To kick the mentioned user from the server.
clear [NUMBER] - This purge deletes any amount of number of messages in a text channel
- add more commands
- add more functionality
- Discord.js - The Discord Library
- Node JS - Java Script Framework
- Ben Wall - Main Coder
- Alen Kalac - Assistant Coder
- James Broadberry - Code Tester